Anorexia Anonymous.

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September 1, 2012.

My mum had me young. Really young. She wanted a barbie but she got a baby because she had no idea how condoms worked and before she knew it she had put on 2 stone and everyone was calling her a whore, she was privately educated and played lacrosse, she was a ballet dancer, she had a lot going for her. She didn't get the daughter she wanted, I came out chubby and I stayed chubby, so she would show me her favorite doll, her name was Miranda and she was really skinny. " I wish you looked more like Miranda," she would say and every time she would introduce me in public I swear there was a hint of humiliation in her voice. My eating disorder started with my mum.

When I was in high school I barely ate. I lost ten pounds and everyone said I looked good so I kept going. The less to ate the prettier I got. But soon it become to much and I didn't look like Miranda, I looked like a living skeleton and the compliments stopped. My mom asked if I was eating but I didn't tell her until I was in the hospital hooked onto IVs that would make me fat again.

So here I am now, trying to get better. I guess I am. I've gained 15 pounds back. Yay. I just don't want to get fat again, I really don't.

- Anorexia Anonymous.

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