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An immeasurable tears you've cried
Your weakness that you tried to overcome
You tried to control yourself but you can't
You ended up lying on the floor

No one can hear your moaned
Only the shattered pieces of mirror in the floor
Cut your wrist and the blood is flowing
Deeply tip the sharp-end until it reach the veins

You're blaming yourself ,
Wishing that you could die in just a moment
For you to not feel the disastrousness of life
Why you're so unfortunate? The unanswered question

In that moment you can't identify the tears and blood
But it's not the matter anymore
The worst feeling is not shouting for the painful wounds in your wrist
But in the thoughts that ,no one cares for you

It's the reason for the deep wounds
That will never be healed
The scars will remain and will help you to remember
That you are alone and worthless

Facebook: Aimee Mariano
Instagram: Yameeyu

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