Chapter 6

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I kicked a small pebble and watched it rolled down hill. The car was in a local car repair for a monthly check. So now I was walking to my last day of school. When I reached the building small droplets of water landed in my head. Great, the snow was melting spring was coming soon. Lauren was waving frantically at me.

" How was Alaska?!" she hugged me.

I let out a nervous laugh. " It was great, it is so nice to finally see you"

" There is a rumor that a bunch of city girls and boys will come over and stay in their "humble" houses for the whole summer. Imagine that. The whole town will be a Gossip Girl. Well- in a more campestrian way."

" Let me guess. You wanna go to their parties, meet a prince charming, and marry him and his big inheritance."

" I do wanna go to some parties, not all. And no I won't marry anyone. Yet." I smiled warmly at her. She has always been a girl who fantasises her future like a cinderella story.

" Okay, I will go to SOME parties with you". And the bell finally rang indicating us that it is time for a long torture.

" Did you pass the history exam? I have an 80%. It was a really hard one." she nervously bit her lip.

" I got a shiny 61%!" I exclaimed with sarcasm emphasized in every word.

" That is much better than a 60%". Ladies and gentleman, I present you my best friend. A slim ball of happiness, love and optimism. Woohoo!

Short chapter I know! But I am currently writing the next 2 chapters so hopefully one of them will be up in two days. 

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