Chapter 2-Colors

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He glides his hand to my back, the other one intertwining our fingers. He's not that taller than me but I have to lift my head up just so I can see his face. Eyes to eyes, head to head, nose to nose.

Siddharth slowly closes his eyelids and fans my face with his warm breath. Our foot rocks back and forth, side to side, flowing with the slow beat of the music.

"I was a quick, wet boy diving to deep for coins..." He smiles while lip syncing to the song. I can't help but to giggle, looking somewhere else and then back to his face.

How he looks at me now is like something that I've never witnessed before. Peaceful, happy. Well, he is always happy but not this way.

I pull myself closer to him, tightening my grip to his shoulder. Closer enough to hear a little bit of his beating heart. The spotlight hits the top of his hair and a little bit on his face, highlighting his eyes. I find myself admiring his features, again. He is undoubtedly beautiful.

Not just handsome, but, goddamn beautiful.

We continue to dance, complete silence during the bridge and chorus.

"Hey..." he sighs to my face.

Mmm, mint.

"Hm?" I whisper, frowning at him. His smile grows wider, showing his perfectly white and arranged teeth.

"Enjoy the night?" His voice is deeper than how he usually talks to me, or to others. Making me I don't know, blush?

Nope. I don't think so.

"Which part?" I question, parting our foreheads. "The music? The dance?"

The smile disappears from his lips. His eyes flat on me. It's fun to tease him sometimes.

"Ha ha." He fakes his laugh, still flat.

"Oh my gosh." I chuckle, "I'm just kidding. God..."

His grin is back, followed by a slight laughter. More like in a 'fancy' sort of way. Deep, not showing off too much teeth, not like how he usually laughs. I join him. Like a happy couple we suppose to be.

"Kiss me..." He suddenly blurts out.

And with that the laughter fades. I shut my eyes close. I .... I don't know what to say. I'm running out of words.


"Push him away!" A male's voice echoes through the whole room.

Oh right.

I'm doing exactly what that voice commands. Siddharth looks taken aback with my actions, and somehow guilty.

"I can't..." I shake my head, taking one step at a time away from him. "I, I'm sorry, I just can't."

My foot keeps taking me away from him, not stopping. He doesn't even try to stop me. Not that I want him to.

"Okay, now stop for a while and keep standing at your spot." That voice echoes again. And again I do as it tells. "Good." he praises, "Okay turn your head ninety degrees. Camera three zoom at her face! Kay, and straight up run to the door. And... Cut!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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