The Cost Of Living

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"Pearl, you can do this!" I hype myself.

I am not one to be easily frightened; years and experience has taught me to be brave but I must admit life did not prepare me enough for this moment. It was a moon-lit night; all I can hear was the mockery of owls, insects and the hissing of snakes. I'm far from my safe place. Pardon me; home is not always a safe place. Other than that silence blanket the sky and fear griped me as terror struck my heart. I look around trying to find an escaped but I'm surrounded with spidery tangle of trees and bushes. My nightmare graced me with its presence and by the look in its eyes; today is dooms day.

"You've come too far to give up now." Hoping with this my feet will be encourage to move. Instead, my hands shivers and my feet remain grounded as though cemented to the ground it was upon. People in my situation would say "my life flashed before my eyes" but I'm sorry to bust your bubbles; this is not a movie or your uncle's adventure story.

All I could think about at that moment was... "Life" The word itself gave me a cringe. It isn't meant to be understood but appreciated. I mean everyone tend to say "Life is a gift" but tend to only truly understand it when they about to die. This situation is I'm in made me realize that life is an investment. We all be held accountable by a greater power. If something was a gift, you can do as you please, with no accountability.

I guess that's why humans make it their mission to find their purpose and accomplish. All I spent my life doing was running and hiding. A searing pain awakens me back to reality. Some sort of metal pierce through my skin with little effort and dug straight in. Instantly, I located the source. I cried out in pain. A fiery burn flared up my side, consuming me in agony.

"He stabbed me!"

"HE actually stabbed me."

You might be thinking how I got here. It all starts in the beginning.

A/N: Hi lovely readers! i know this is a bit short but i will make the next chapter longer. Read more to find out more about Pearl. Do tell me what you all think about my writing so far.

Please like and comment if you want me do write some more. let me know if I made any mistakes.

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