
17 1 5

      I let out an exasperated sigh as I plopped down on my couch. My coworker Madelyn just had her baby, so I've been filling in for her all week and saying I was tired would be the understatement of the year. I quickly shimmied  out of my black pullover so I could curl up in the couch and check my phone.
2 messages from: Phil
8 messages from: Kennedyyy 😘🙈💕

     Every time I see the name she'd given herself in my comments I had to refrain from face palming. She was a work of art, that one.
I opened the messages from Phil first, excited to start another conversation that'd last all night like the ones from the previous days this week.

Hey! What's up?
Oh I forgot you're at work 🙈

Just as I was about to reply my phone began to ring, there was a moment of surprise when I saw it was from Phil. I quickly answered it.
"H-hey are you busy right now?" His voice was shaky, as if he were about to fall apart.
"No, why? Are you okay? Do you need time to come get you?" I rushed, running a hand through my hair, ready to grab my keys and run out the door to save this dark haired boy.
"I- No no you don't have to come get me. I'm actually f- uh fairly close to your flat. C-can I come over, please?"  He stuttered as he tried to compose himself, trying not to sound so upset.
"Of course! I'll unlock my door." The worry in my voice was clear, it practically dripped from every word.
"O-oh. I'll be there soon."
And with that, he'd ended the call.

I paced my hardwood floor, glancing at my door every few seconds. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Should I grab my first aid? Was he going to tell me we can't hang out anymore?
The second I heard footsteps up to my floor in the apartment I swung open my door, so see a surprised and sad looking Phil only feet from it.

His eyes were puffy and red from crying and tears stained his cheeks and welled in his big blue eyes. It tore me apart to see someone so innocent and optimistic look so hurt.
Before I could act on anything myself, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist as Phil buried his face in my neck, still trying to hold in his tears. I couldn't help but blush at the close contact, hugging him back.
"Phil... A-are you okay?" Here I am, captain Obvious to the rescue, can I get any more stupid?

     He shook his head and I felt a tear hit my neck.
"What happened? A-Are you hurt?" I reluctantly pulled him away from my torso, and his arms fell weakly by his sides, refusing to look at me. I didn't see any red stains in his close to assumed he hadn't been hurt, that is until he croaked out a small

     "Where did you get hurt, did someone do this to you?" with those few words Phil fell apart, finally breaking into a sob.
"I-i went out with some guys after work to have some beers..." he hiccuped and wiped a tear off his cheek with his hand.
"They kept pressuring me to flirt with some girl, I said no. But they kept pushing so I just gave up and t-told them I was gay." Another hiccup, and he looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with me, but it just gave me clear view of the bruise forming on his jaw right next to his ear. My heart rate picked up.
"Th-they were drunk. They didn't mean to-"
I cut him off, not letting him give them excuses as to why they'd hurt him.
"What'd they do. Is that bruise from them? Is there any more?" I was breathing heavily now, trying to contain my anger for these men so I didn't scare Phil.
"Roddie punched me in the jaw, pushed me against the wall so hard I saw stars. H-he kneed me in the chest before I could scramble out the door..." Phil paused long enough to let out a small sob. I had to hand it to him, he was taking this well. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here, it was rude of me."
He goes to leave, clearly ready to break down again when I quickly grabbed his wrist, pulling him in enough to shut my door before turning him to me, he was close enough that I could smell alcohol on his breath, even though he didn't even seem buzzed.
"You don't have to apologize for coming when you need me. I'm always here, even if we aren't dating." I mumble shyly before going on my tippy toes to kiss his forehead reassuringly.
"I care about you."

Phil's eyes became saucers as he blushed wildly. "I-I, uh, thank you. I care about you too." He stuttered, playing with the hem of his stone blue shirt nervously. When he began to chew on his lip I couldn't help but wonder if now was a good time to kiss him. What if he didn't want to be kissed? He did just get punched in the jaw for being gay. I don't know... .

"Can I kiss you?" The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could catch them, my want clear in my eyes.
Phil just looked up into my own eyes my nodding his head ever so slightly as his breathing hitched.
I placed my shaking hands on his waist as I pulled him close to me, pausing just a second before touching his lips with mine, as I looked up into his water blue eyes, making sure he really wanted it. When he wrapped an arm around my torso, pressing my chest against his I got my answer, pressing my lips gently against his, a spark of anxiety and excitement coming from my stomach.

     The kiss ended almost as quickly as it started, small and tender. I gave him one last feather light peck before requesting he stay the night, and that we can watch some Netflix till we fall asleep. It was already close to 9 and I didn't want to leave him like that. An hour later one could find us tangled in sheets on my couch. Two empty mugs of what used to harbor tea on the coffee table, and a Netflix Original on the TV.

Although we'd been laying like this for awhile, legs draped over my lap while I laid beside him, close enough that my breath tickled his neck. He was focused on the movie innocently, unaware of me trying my damned hardest to remember this moment, how it felt to have him so close, to have him at all. A gorgeous guy with midnight hair and striking pale blue eyes.

"Hey Dan?" Phil began, snapping me out of my thoughts.  I noticed the credits rolling on the TV and Phil flips around to face me.
Those eyes I'd been thinking about earlier looking up into my own, no longer puffy and red.

"Thank you for letting me stay the night. Or letting me hang out at all... it means a lot." He admitted, seeming genuinely grateful.
"It's really no problem, I really like this. Well, not the crying part or any of that, that wasn't fun. But I could get used to this Netflix and cuddling thing." I gave Phil a cheeky wink to brighten the mood and he chuckled, his tongue poking out from his teeth as always. I gave him a loving peck on the nose.

Seemingly unsatisfied by my domestic peck on the nose, Phil pulled my shirt gently, enough to guide me down to his lips. We kissed a few times, my hands again finding themselves on his hips, before I decided to pull away, cheekily tugging on his lower lip as I did so.

     "At least take me out to dinner first." I joked, ruining the small heated moment we were having.
Phil blushed wildly at my comment, looking flustered.
"I-Uh, I mean-"
"Oh hush, we all know you wanna get into these skinny jeans." I joked, both of us laughing at it.
I never wanted tonight to end.

That's all folks!
Also PSA to friend who know me irl, this is Wattpad, this is indeed a fanfic. Stuff will happen. No I am not innocent. Hush your puppies. Although I don't think I'll ever make full on smut.
You have been warned 🌝
~August The Author 🍁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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