✧Chapter 8✧

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The bell rings signaling the end of 5th period. Louis and Zayn exit the class only to be stopped by Harry and Liam. The smirk that Harry has plastered on his face sends chills down Louis' spine. "Hey darling." Harry is the first to speak. "Um h-hi." Louis responds, and looks over to see Zayn in the same predicament. Liam suddenly grabs Zayn by the arm and drags him away. Zayn struggles in his grasp. Louis tries to help only to be stopped by Harry gripping his upper arm.

"Looks like it's just us." Harry smirks. "Let's skip." "I-I can't do that. I'll be in major trouble. " Louis cries out when Harry's grip tightens. "It wasn't a question." Harry tugs Louis outside to his motorcycle. He tosses Louis a helmet. "You expect me to ride this?" Louis questions. He squeals (a manly one of course) when he feels himself being lifted and placed on the bike.

When the bike is started up, Louis jumps and wraps his arms around Harry's torso tightly. When he notices, he blushes and loosens his grip. Harry pulls out of the school parking lot and Louis has his eyes squeezed shut in fear. After a little driving Louis cautiously opens his eyes. His mouth slowly opens in awe. Everything around him is a blur and the wind feels amazing.

When the motorbike stops Louis is a little disappointed, he liked the experience more than he thought he would. He hops off the bike, with a little help from Harry, and scans his surroundings. It looks like some kind of bar.

Why would Harry bring him here?

"C'mon." Louis hears Harry say. He sees Harry walking away and quickly scurries behind him, scared of what may happen. When they enter there are multiple people who come and greet Harry, most of them disregarding Louis.

One man, named James, asks about Louis. "Who's this pretty little thing?" His eyes greedily roaming Louis' body. This causes a growl to emerge from Harry's throat. "He's mine. Back off or else!"

James' eyes grow wide and he starts to stammer, "I-I'm s-sorry." Then he proceeds to quickly walk away. Oddly enough, hearing Harry say Louis is his makes him feel sort of mushy inside. He looks up at Harry and thanks him. Harry grunts and takes him to the back.

In the back there is an oak desk with tons of paperwork on it. Across from the desk is a black sofa. Harry nudges Louis towards it while he heads to the desk. He takes a seat on the sofa and asks, "So, what is this place?" "This is a part of my job." Harry responds. "Job? What do you do?" Louis questions.

Harry gives Louis a smirk that sends chills down his spine. "Oh sweetheart, you don't want to know."

No one says anything after that. Louis lies on the sofa, playing games on his phone. Suddenly there are loud bangs on the door. Harry looks agitated and shouts for whoever it is to come in. Some man, who looks absolutely terrified, says "He's here."

Harry tenses up and looks at Louis. "Come here." He tells Louis. He hesitates but slowly starts to get up. "Hurry up!" Harry barks. Louis quickly goes to Harry. Immediately Harry pulls Louis onto his lap and wraps his arm around his waist. Louis has no idea who this "He" is but he's scared.

"Look at me." Harry demands. Louis stares up into his forest green eyes. "Do not talk to him. Do not look at him. Do not even breathe in his direction. Am I clear?" Louis quickly nods his head.

Harry looks to his door and says, "Send him in."

A man, taller than Harry, strolls into the room. Louis can feel Harry straighten up. When the man sees Louis he smiles devilishly. "Who is this lovely person?"


I'm back!! I know it's been almost a year and I'm really sorry. I sort of forgot about this for a bit. Thank you to all that stayed. I will try to update more considering I left you on a cliffhanger ;). Please vote and comment. Thank you again!

-Autumn xx

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