01 | a storm's beginning

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"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men"║

THE CNN REPORTER BABBLED INCESSANTLY about how President Jennings would be meeting with the press later that day as JJ and Simone ate breakfast together. They ate in silence, something common for the two night owls, until a chirpy Bethany Jennings made her appearance in a pastel dress looking as perfect as always. They both bid good morning to their mother before kissing her cheek, something they were trained to do without second thought, and leaving the room. With only the milk-filled cereal bowls, Bethany Jennings would watch the morning news while eating some fruit and drinking tea. For everyone in the Jennings family, mornings were the most peaceful and least hectic part of their busy day.

JJ and Simone retreated back into their own rooms to get ready for the day, a day that was sure to be filled with panicked officials, nosy press, and lots of Secret Service guards. While getting ready, Simone texted her friends about meeting up for frozen yogurt later. Those plans would never commence, as the next 24 hours for the Jennings family were sure to be life-changing.

Simone somehow was ready before JJ and decided to go ahead to her father's office where he would eventually tell them what they were to do with their day. Simone didn't find her parents' controlling ways too bad, she had some say in what she wore, where she went, and how much press followed her. She was content with the freedoms she had, and she assumed anything that her parents didn't control for her was her decision.

Simone settled into the couch facing the door of the Oval Office ready for JJ to walk in so they could start. Simone saw how her father distractedly fidgeted with papers on his desk and wouldn't meet her eye, but she assumed it had to do with the looming press conference in the afternoon. When JJ finally made his presence known, by flinging the door open and yelling 'Honey, I'm home!' obnoxiously like he often did, their father made his way to the couch across from where the two sat. Simone scowled at her brother as he tried to muss her hair and swiftly kicked him in the shin to get him to quit.

Their father grimaced at the altercation, "Please if you two would quit acting like you're three, I'd like to get on with the business at hand," and then paused before demanding that a staff member go grab his wife.

JJ and Simone shared a confused look because they both knew their mother liked to spend her mornings alone. But then again, her mind seemed to always change.

Now, Bethany Jennings was the definition of a trophy wife. Perfectly dyed blonde hair, and clothes that looked like they were plucked straight out of a Vogue magazine; it would make sense because Bethany Jennings had once graced the covers of several issues of Vogue, and she always supported her husband's views because she knew he would let her spend his Black AmEx card. She gracefully filled the position of First Lady and her shiny exterior was what the public adored.

So whenever the First Lady was in a foul mood, everyone made sure to steer clear of her. Her husband, however, never seemed to get that her mornings were better spent alone in an effort to keep her calm and collected. So when Bethany Jennings in all her glory descended upon the Oval Office with one of her perfectly white smiles sewn onto her cheeks, Simone and JJ knew something was up.

"What's going on? Why are you acting weird?" JJ accused.

Bethany let her smiling facade fade a little before shooting back, "Is it a qualm for me to be happy?"

JJ eyed her, but let his attention fall back onto his outrageously nervous father.

Simone looked around and noticed the bustling staff that was usually present during these brief meeting were nowhere to be seen.

"Father, where is everyone? What is going on? And I agree with JJ, why are you acting so weird?" Simone accused.

Dismissing all her questions with no answer, her father started, "We figured this was a family affair."

JJ looked at the two parents standing side by side for an explanation, "Did someone die?" He pointed an accusing finger at his mother while sneering, "Why are you so happy that someone has died? Do you get their Black AmEx card too?"

"Enough," the President's voice had a sense of finality to it, "Don't ever speak to your mother in such away again young man."

So JJ gave a fake apology to his mother whose painted grin had turned into a sour look as she glared at her son for bringing up her gold-digging ways.

Their father took his time pouring himself a glass of whiskey before getting to the announcement, "As I'm sure both of you know, my approval ratings have fallen to a shocking and unprecedented 10%. While the public obviously does not appreciate the fact that I am about to raise taxes what they do appreciate is a little drama! Like the Kardashian-Jenners, they thrive off of drama and scandal, so we are going to do the same."

Simone's posture stiffened and she squeaked, "We're having a reality show about us on E! News?"

Bethany scoffed, "Of course not, we aren't trashy."

President Jennings continued, "Simone this mostly falls on your shoulders since you seem to be the most well-loved out of all of us."

Simone eyed him warily before motioning for him to go on.

"Simone, you're going to be the new Bachelorette."

a/n: the quote is from John F. Kennedy &&  votes =  new chapter

♔ thank uu queens

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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