The People I know

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I found one of my old poems from Wattpad. It's called Old Friends... Old Friends I love how sleep never says helloAnd hugs me like a long lost friend, But comes up from behind me And jabs a needle in the back of my brain,Ejecting ice into my dreams and veins Sending me into a coma like state,Where I'm always watching my demons And worst fears play.I miss the fog that would come, And tell me in the morning"You don't have to remember anything at all" But the sad truth Is that it always happens someday. I miss the slowness that would come,After a decent night's rest.It would tell me to take my time And enjoy it while it lasts. Regret would at least greet me at the door.We'd walk together and eat together and Sleep together and talk with me were ever I'd go.I don't know if I can handle this anymore. Hope would get into so many bloody fights Wouldn't you know!?He believes in someone and something no one can even see. Anger is always there Standing behind me.He believes in someone and something no one can even see. Or taps me on the shoulder, Telling me to do this or do that.Every time she gets a chance, me And sometimes he try's to tell me Plus I know you'll like it!!!""You, yourself want to do it!!" He wants me to believe. Time mocks me Every time she gets a chance, Laughing whenever I look at my watch Wondering if what I'm doingIs ever enough or ever going to end.

Old FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now