First Time

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Plot: You finally decide its time to let your boyfriend TJ Perkins take your virginity.

You watch as TJ is flung against the turnbuckles by Brian Kendrick. TJ and you have been dating for about 8 months now and it was nothing but a perfect relationship from day 1. TJ always made you laugh, smile, he was a dork but he was your dork.

The one thing you loved about TJ was how patient he was. Not only when it came to activities you 2 did together but especially when it came to losing your virginity. You've explained to TJ that you want to wait and that your not ready.

TJ understood completely and that made you feel so lucky to have someone like him since most guys are not so understanding about that topic. TJ didn't want to rush into anything he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible before it came to making a decision.

You've seen TJ naked before only because you accidentally walked into the bathroom as he was getting out of the shower. You remember how embarrassed you were and how stupid you felt. During the whole incident TJ didn't cover himself up once. He basically stood there confidently flashing his whole body to you.

Your thoughts of your naked boyfriend are interrupted when the bell rings and TJ wins the match. You smile widely and make your way to his dressing room to wait for him.


You spot TJ coming down the hall with his normal expression on his face but once he looks up and see you waiting for him he smiles widely and quickly jogs over to you. He embraces you in s tight hug and you do the same.

"Hey baby". He says into the side of your face as he kisses your cheek.

"How'd I do?". He asks letting you go.

"Great as usual". You say giving him a closed mouth smile. TJ puts on a cocky smirk and lets out a chuckle. "Let me get my stuff packed and we'll head back to the hotel". He says. You nod and place a kiss on his soft lips. He enters his dressing room and you walk off to do the same in your own dressing room.


On the car ride back you couldn't help but glance over at TJ a few times. He kept one hand on the steering wheel while the other rested on your thigh. He only ever took his hand off you to change gears. You studied him for a second.

His long black hair spiked up, his big brown eyes which reflected street lights and everything around, his soft lips that you could kiss every second of the day and just him in general.

The thought of losing your virginity to TJ popped into your head. You thought about what it would be like. You loved TJ and you always will and you know how much he loves you to. If you want it to be anyone to lose your virginity to its TJ.

Yes sometimes regret comes into play but you knew you wouldn't regret it with TJ since he made you so happy. You glance at him one more time as he focuses on the road. You decided to tell him. You decided to tell him that you were ready for this.

As you pulled up to a red light you sighed loudly ready to tell TJ.

"Babe?". You ask.

"Yes?". He asks with a charming smile on his face. You smile back and let out a small giggle before turning serious.

"I ready for you to be my first". You say feeling the weight being lifted off your shoulders.

TJ's eyes go wide in realization to what you said and his mouth forms in an O shape. "Y/N". He starts.

"Are you being serious?". He asks still looking shocked.

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