Chapter 1

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Marinette:Oh no! I'm gonna be late, oh poopsicle I need to hurry.

Tikki: Marinette here's your clothes.

Marinette: Thanks Tikki. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you.

At school................

Marinette runs up to Alya and frightens her.

Marinette: BOO!!!

Alya: Aaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh Mari don't do that, you scared me girl.
Marinette: Awww you still love me Als.
Alya: Yeah, yeah whatever.

In class......

Mme Bustier walks into the classroom then checks if everyone was in, lucky enough they were.

Mme Bustier: Well class as you all know this week was the grand science fair. And the prize was a trip to Miami, and guess what! Our class won the trip!

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