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(y/n) P.O.V

I came home from a long day of shopping with the girls, when I walked upstairs to the bedroom that Justin and I share there was a note on the bed that read.

Dear, (y/n)

Hey baby we are never go out anymore so lets go to lunch a little later. I'll be there to pick you up around 3:00

Love you baby, Daddy

After Waiting around for a bit I started to get ready. I started off with running a warm bath and adding some soap for some bubbles. While the bath tub was filling up I decided to have a little fun. I grabbed my phone sitting on the side of the sink and snapped a sexy picture that I had in my camera roll  to send to Justin. 

Justin then responds soon after saying: 'mmmmmm so sexy baby, might just have to come home and give you this dick real quick

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Justin then responds soon after saying: 'mmmmmm so sexy baby, might just have to come home and give you this dick real quick.' You laugh to yourself, click your phone off and then step into the bath. You wash every part of your body, then proceed to shave. Making sure that you don't miss a hair.

After you got out the bath it was already 1:00, so you had to hurry up and to dry your hair and get your make up done. After all that you slip on your gorgeous outfit  and pose in the mirror to snap a picture to put on your story.

Around this time it was now 3:00 and you heard a car pulling up around front

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Around this time it was now 3:00 and you heard a car pulling up around front. You peeped out the window to make sure it was Justin. Once you saw his all black lambogorini you fixed yourself a bit then strutted out the house.

Justin immediatly got out soon speaking "you look absolutely stunning baby, you might be showing a little to much skin" Justin said jokingly as he turned you around making you spin getting a great view of your ass.

You responded: " And you look stunning yourself babe." Justin smirked then opened the car door and allowed you to get in before moving over to the other side of the car to get in himself.

After about a 20 minute ride of you and Justin Laughing and talking, you guys pulled up into  a restaurant. Justin got out first then he quickly went over to your side to open your door. As soon as he closed the door  his hand went straight to your waist to place a firm grip on it.

As you guys walked into the resturant it felt like a million people turned their heads and were looking at you. Making your confidence go from 100 to 0. Justin gave your hip a reassuring squeeze then gave you an 'its okay baby' look. You guys soon went to sit down. While you guys were at the table you and Justin had small talk until the waiter came up to your table..

Then all hell broke loose, Jack glinisky was waiting your table the person that Justin absolutly despises.

You hid your face in the palm of your hand waiting for who was going to fire and who first.

part 2?

love you my babies. Please give requests I'm running out of ideas.


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Justin Bieber Imagines // interracialWhere stories live. Discover now