A/N: story and character intro

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Hey everyone! I decided to start some stories about One Piece. As you know, the straw hat crew currently has nine members. This story will be about the Tenth member,as mentioned from the title. Note that this is just a fan fiction,so only the characters except for OCs are original. Which means,the Tenth member of the straw hat crew hasn't really been decided yet and this is just a story based on imagination about it.Well then without further ado here's the OC of the story:

Name: Rena Maruma


Gender:Female(duh,of course wtf am I doing)

Appearance: Dark Blue/Black Long hair(waist length)Black and blue eyes ,wears anything fancy.

Height: 1.65CM

Weight: 47kg (should still be ok considering her height)

Power(s): Fobidden(will be revealed later in the story). Other than that,uses guns specially made for her.

Occupation: Normal in broad day light,secret in the dark.

Strengths/Likes: to draw,sing,and keep her hair Long and smooth,and the forest. When it comes to decorating,she's the best at it.

Weaknesses/Dislikes: to let anyone touch her hair or let it get messy,perverts,insects,weak against the sea,and hate the marines.

Fact: She's a very lady like person, with the elegance and style and all that.

Well then,that's about it. Hope you can at last imagine what she looks like. At first,I plan on making this a Luffy X Reader book instead of OC. But then I figured stories that are X reader is harder to write,especially considering that One Piece characters like Luffy isn't fit to fall in love. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's hard to write. That doesn't mean you can't write a story out of it though. Just that maybe the characters would probably be out of character. I'll promise to do my best and make sure the characters,especially Luffy,as accurate as possible,although that would be a challenge. Then again,nothing is impossible right? So I'll say this in advance: if you ever notice any mistakes in the story or feel that the characters in this story doesn't match their original characteristics,feel free to correct me. I'm always open for opinions or discussions. Same goes for and questions,or any part of the story that you find it hard to understand and wants clarification,feel free to ask. The purpose of doing so is to make sure that every person who reads this story would be comfortable,and enjoying the story. Well then,I think I've said too much. Without further ado,thank you for taking your time to read this. Oh yeah,one more thing, feel free to give opinions for the story plot if you'd like to! I'm always happy to hear what your thoughts are. Anyway,that is all I have to say...see ya some time later! Leave a vote if you find this story to your liking. Thank you all in advance!

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