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Unknown voice: " I know you Raziel, you are worthy".

Raziel: "What madness is this? What pitiful form is this that I have come to inhabit? Death would be a release, next to this travesty!". Said Raziel, noticing the environment around him. Raziel was in the spirit realm and not in the realm of living.

Unknown voice:"You did not survive the Abyss, Raziel. I have only spared you from total dissolution."

Raziel:"I would choose oblivion over this existence, I am destroyed..."

Unknown voice: "The choice is not yours, YOU ARE REBORN."

Raziel was kneeling and pittying himself for some time, he could not believe that this had happened to him, he was angry. Unknown voice made an appearance, it was a giant creature, with tentacles and many eyes. Its name was " The Elder God."

The Elder God: "The birth of one of Kain's abominations traps the essence of life. It is this soul that animates the corpse you "lived" in. And that Raziel, is the demise of Nosgoth. There is no balance. The souls of the dead remain trapped. I can not spin them in the Wheel of Fate. They can not complete their destinies. Reedem yourself. Or if you prefer, avenge yourself. Settle your dispute with Kain. Destroy him and your brethren. Free their souls and let the Wheel of Fate churn again. Use your hatred to reave their souls... I can make it possible. Become my soul reaver, my angel of death.."

Raziel lifted from ground and left the presence of The Elder God.

After entering the warp room in spirit world, Raziel faltered from weakness, leaning on the pillar to catch himself. And he heard a voice again "You are weak, you must feed." It was the voice of The Elder God but Raziel was not happy to hear it.

Raziel: "The old hunger has left me, I have no desire for blood."

The Elder God:"You are changed. Your blood-thirst is replaced by deeper need – you have become a devourer of souls. To sustain your strength, you must hunt the lost spirits of the Underworld(spirit realm), and consume the souls of your enemies."

Raziel: "What scabrous wretches are these?"

The Elder God:" Sluagh, the scavengers of the Underworld. Their feral hunger has claimed countless souls - spirits who now shall never find their rest..."

Raziel found some Sluaghs and was aiming to kill them so he could feed on their souls... As he pounced at them, one of them was running around, and the other one was defending itself, Raziel attacked with haste and wisdom, dodging their attacks and managing to rip Slugahs apart, leaving only their souls, but no bodies, Raziel uncovered his mouth and pulled their souls to him. The souls sated his hunger, and recovered his strength.

Raziel then climbed to a cliff, and leaped across to the balcony, using his ripped wings to glide in the air. He was still in the Abyss, but in the spirit world and in the spirit world, the water is like air, it had no effect on him at all and he could walk and run freely as if there was no water. Moments later, Raziel found a conduit, which could portal him from spirit realm, to material realm(the world of living). As he was entering material realm, things were starting to change, he had just left the spirit world, but everything was different( for example if he was at some gates, but in the spirit world, the gates would look weird, and if he chose to enter the material realm, the would become normal again).

The Elder God: "These portals are your conduit between the spectral and material realms. With their aid, you may gather matter and will yourself to become manifest in the physical world. This is taxing, however - your strength must first be fully restored. You require no conduit to return to this realm, you man abandon your physical body at any time."

After Raziels uses the portal, he enters the material world and The Elder God tells him to sustain his strength to prolong his manifestation in the physical world, because if he fails to feed, he will weaken and automatically enter the spirit world. As soon as Raziel enters a cave's hallway, he stops abruptly as he realizes there is water below him. He stands at the edge and looks down, remembering his "execution".

The Elder God: "You are young yet, Raziel - you still retain many of your vampiric weaknesses. Immersion in the water, whine not fatal, will dissolve your physical body, forcing your return to the spirit world. Be aware that in the spectral realm, water has neither heft nor lift. It stand as thin as air."

Raziel exits the hallway and approaches a cave, seeing the devolved vampires of this new Nosgoth. They became monsters, not looking human at all. That was the effect of devolving.

Raziel: "What are these creatures?!"

The Elder God: "Do you not recognize them, they are the children of your brother Dumah."

Raziel: "That is impossible - these foul, scuttling beasts could not be kin of our high blood."

The Elder God: "Do you suppose that time stood still for you, Raziel? Much has changed since you passed from the world of men."

Raziel to himself: "I knew my opponents' weaknesses, having suffered them myself. Physical wounds are fleeting - a vampire's immortal flesh begins to close as soon as it is cleaved. Vampires need only fear those wounds that impale, or inflame. water scorches like acid, and fledglings are devastated by sunlight's touch. I would have to modify my tactics to suit my foes."

Raziel entered a battle stance, and waited them for attack. Raziel noticed that the sun's ray was entering the room from above the cave, and a fireplace near it. And he also saw that there are some spikes on the wall, he could either burn them, or impale them. He chose to burn them since there was only one spike. The creatures attacked him, he cleaved them with his claws to weaken them so he can grab and throw them on sunlight. One of the creatures went to slice Raziel's neck, but did not manage since Raziel outmatched them in every way. He dispatched them off quickly and threw them on sunlight. All that was left of them, was the ash and their souls trying to flee in the spectral realm, but Raziel drew them in quickly. Raziel exited the cave, and stood in shock after seeing what has become of Nosgoth and Kain's palace.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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