Chapter 1

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There once was a girl, her name was Chloe.

Chloe was a special girl, she was special because she had a friend who could do wondrous thing's. Her friend could float, reach thing's from high places, and even play dolls with her.
Chloe called her friend Rose.

Rose was Chloe's best friend and was imaginary. Chloe created Rose because she could never make friends with the other kids her age. She was very shy and was always picked on when she'd be seen talking to Rose.

Chloe was called weird and a freak. She would try to say, "I'm just talking to my friend, Rose".

The kids would then pick on her and say, "there is nothing there, freak".

Sometimes Rose would shove the kids, the kids would then run and tell a teacher. Chloe would always say, "it wasn't me! It was Rose"!

The teachers would call her parents and Chloe would get in trouble. She would tell her parents the same thing. "Rose did it" "Rose did it".

Her parents never believed her.

When Chloe turned 14, she still talked to Rose. Rose would tell Chloe about what happened when she was alone with her parents. Chloe's parents would be cautious about what they said when they thought they were alone.

Chloe's parents would ask how she knew what happened and she'd reply with, "oh. Rose told me. She is always watching".

Her parents soon became worried about their daughter. They even feared her at one point.

Author's note:
Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Sorry if it's boring, but I promise it will get better! See you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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