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Pj's POV:

I can't respond, I mean I'm happy that there happy but, I'm slightly jealous. I don't know why, I've never seen Dan in a romantic way, but now all I want to is give Phil a death stare for taking him from me. I can't do that though, that's not the kind of person I am, "Guys that's awesome!" I respond trying not to act jealous, " how long have you two been together?", "officially only a few days," Phil says to me while he turns and kisses Dan. how dare he? Dan should be with me! stop he can't, he's with Phil, deal with it.I try my best to act happy for them before making up some excuse so that I can leave. I only just make it out of the door before I start to cry. I realize that I'm only just outside their door and try to keep my crying quiet but it's no use. Soon Dan comes out of the house concerned, " hey, are you ok?" he asks me, I don't respond, i just grab him and hug him, he's startled at first but hugs me back. After a bit I stop crying and look up at him, he's confused on why I'm crying but he doesn't question it. I stop the hug and start to walk away, but I stop for a second. I quickly run back to Dan and kiss him, nothing dramatic, just a quick kiss. After I kiss him i smile at him and leave.

Dan's POV:

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT?! Pj leaves my house seemingly fine and then starts crying outside the door, so i go to see if he's ok and he FUCKING KISSES ME! it's not like he didn't know me and Phil were together! I can't tell Phil though, I know he will get really jealous and protective, it's fine. I calm myself down and walk back into the apartment, "hey," I say to Phil who is sitting on the couch, I peck his cheek before sitting down on the couch with him and turning on my computer, acting like nothing had happened. " Is Pj ok?" Phil asks me, "He'll be fine, he just needed a hug." I say giving him a reassuring  smile and turning back to my computer.

Phil's POV:

Dan's lying to me. I've known Dan long enough to know that he's lying to me, I will figure out why if it's the last thing I do!


A/N: ok sorry for the short chapter, please comment any story ideas cause i'm having writing block thx!!!!!

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