Realizing where my heart wants to be.

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Hey guys,

Actually i wanted to do a Jace POV but thn guess what ? as i was at my 5 Page long chap, WATTPAD DECIDED TO CRASH ON ME.

I'm so sorry people. Its still Addie's POV. unless when i change it to anoter POV the i will let you guys know kay. Please help motivate by commenting ! :D

Addie's POV

When i opened my eyes, i looked around dizzily and noticed that there was a woodsy smell that caught my attention. I tried getting up but immediately laid down to rest.


By seeing the darkness around me, i'm guessing its during the nighttime.

I reached towards my side where my bedside table was to check on the time when i realised that this was not a bed side table but a rather hard wall that gave off warmth and made my skin tingles. I snuggled against it and a second later, the slowness of my brain hitted me. this wasn't a wall that gave off heat, it was... someone's ch... CHEST?!

 WOW, his abs are hard!

 Oh my god i mentally thought to myself, what am i doing right now?!

And begin to squirm against it. I sat bolt up straight. The guy beside me that was sleeping stirred slightly but otherwise continued sleeping. I looked at him closely and noticed that he only had his boxers on. I was sure even in the dark, i blushed a deep crimson red and could not stop gawking at his perfectly sculptured ABS!!!

'Are you done gawking at me?'

 He said with his eyes still shut but a smirk on his face.

I jumped in shock!

'Ho..How did you know i was starring at you? I..I was starring at the.. door.'

 I ended lamely and grimanced. He opened his eye lids and starred at me with those gorgeous amber eyes and burst out into a fit of laughter. And at that time the smartest comeback i could think of was to turn away and cross my arms with a,


He seemed startled by my reaction and immediately grabbed my wrists spinning me round,

'Okay, i'm sorry. Please dont ignore me.'

 I shut my eyes tightly trying to keep his puppy dog eyes out of my mind but the tingles shot through me and exploded like fireworks. I could no longer stay angry at him and my gaze soften.

'What am i doing here?'

 he chuckled and said

'You forgot ? You fainted on me just now after your performance. And did i add ? Your voice was the most melodious thing i have ever heard in me entire life.'



'CRAP! I have to get back!'

I began scrambling around in the darkness when i felt iron strong arms wrap around my waist and i was pulled back to Clyde where by back rested against his chest and his face rested against my left shoulder,

'Please don't go.'

 He sounded so sad that i could not bear it. I relaxed into him and nodded my head.

'Addie, I have a huge secret. I want to let you know i'm dangerous. But i swear i won't hurt you.'

 He looked at me with earnest eyes. Then he held out his hand hesitantly. I grabbed it and felt him relax. i smiled and urge for him to go on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2012 ⏰

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