The blinded Love

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once their was a child born her face was the most beautiful of all and a sorceress took notice of this child so she smile and said 

"let's play with this child fate"

the 5 years of the child named 'Angelica' was look down on for her skin was not like them she's more darker than them. Everyone laugh at the orphan with a darker skin her eyes weep for her mother died giving birth to her and her father died protecting her

but a faithful day in the ally was the crying child was bullied and laugh at but then a blind man stood up for her


the bullies runs and hurt for that insult, the blind man help the girl and says:

"i am blind, but i think you are pretty without a doubt"

Angelica didn't believe it one bit but time could only tell herself wrong. she and the blind played and chatted with no end enjoying of their presence but one day a sorceress approach the blind and said:

"it's funny how you lie now take back that words that u said to that girl"

then the sorceress cast a spell and gave him sight then the sorceress approach the tanned girl who is looking at the purest white flower has now turn to black the sorceress stood at the opposite of the girl 

"you have fallen in love with a boy for your fate isn't what should happen"

after she said that she disappear and footstep approach the girl who was weeping she forgotten what she's truly is and fallen in love. she thought she can be a normal infront of him but with his sight she can't 

when the boy reaches he hug her: and say 

"i can now see your true beauty my flower"

"how can you see my beauty with this skin covering me"  

"to the blindness i learn that look is deceiving that fate can be re-written but the destiny us meeting can't be stop  so please accept my love with this sight on?"  

"y-yes Brunei also i love you"

"i love you too Philippines"

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