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He Used To Love Me


Growing up, I watched married couples on television and in passing and I swear they made that shit seem legit. Being a married woman isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The smile that I wear on a daily basis would make anyone believe that I was happy when in fact I'm the total opposite. I've been through so much in this marriage that even God himself told me I should've walked away a long time ago. On the outside my marriage seemed perfect and people would always praise my husband and I on staying together for this long. They also envied us while others couldn't wait to be us. I would smile when they said that but on the inside i was dying laughing because this marriage was a got damn joke, a fucking scam if you asked me. My name is Miracle Monae Moore and I was far from the average type of chick. I am a mixed girl where my breed was rare being I have part Spanish, Haitian and White in my blood. I stood five eight one hundred and sixty five pounds of ass if you ask me. A light caramel complexion to go with the grey eyes I inherited. I'm thin in the waist with no cuts, marks, or bruises anywhere on my body. My eyes had the sexist chink in them and my cheek had a small dimple. Any man would be lucky to have me. I couldn't understand why my husband wasn't happy. I say that because I was what most women dreamed to be when they grew up. I did have a great job, husband, a house and all that other shit but as far as being happy; that was nowhere in my view. Today I'm holding my company's meeting around three this afternoon to meet with a few well-known lawyers such as my husband to close a deal. I own a 2 million dollar Corporation that had a diverse set of employees. However, most of the men who worked here hated that I was the company owner. They felt this was a man's job yet I begged to differ. Some may say I should get rid of them since they hate me so much but we all know to keep haters around because honestly they are the ones who motivate us to go harder. When my father got sick everything was handed down to me because I was the only child. A lot of people didn't agree with the decision, that's why I had to bust my ass to let them know I'm here for the long haul. I've made my organization millions of dollars and lost a great deal due to bad judgment as well. I know I'm great at what I do and take honor in doing it. I've watched my dad run this company in his sleep for years and he taught me everything I know. If I weren't the best person for the job trust and believe someone else would be standing in my shoes. My father was married to a woman named Farrah for the last two years who he met one day and married her a month later. There was something off about Farrah, other than the fact she was with my dad for his money. She also had a son my age but she didn't look over thirty. She never told my dad she had any kids so when he showed up for her when my dad got sick, shit started looking suspect. My husband stayed out of my father affairs but I couldn't that's my dad. I also wanted what was best for him in his last days. I walked down the strip to meet with my lunch appointment and tried my hardest to push everything dealing with work to the back of my mind. I needed to focus on this lunch as well as the information I was about to receive. Truth was the last thing I needed was bad news. I looked and smiled at my reflection as I walked past the donut shop glass window. I'm pretty sure every girl that walked on this strip did the same thing as they walked by. Like I knew the people on the other side of the glass watched us too. I stepped into the So Amazing Sandwich shop where I was to meet Officer Norman. Looking and feeling good about myself, trying not to show the least bit of nervousness to him. I wasn't sure what to expect from this meeting or why I was even here. I spotted who I was to meet right away and walked past my husbands co worker to take my seat. As I took my seat in front of officer Norman he greeted me with a simple hello. He pushed over a tall manila envelope as he looked over my body lustfully. Something men did no matter where I was, or whom they were with. "Thank you Officer Norman" I said reaching into my all black Michael Kors purse pulling out a white envelope with a check for $5,000 in it. " No thank you for your service's. Sorry I couldn't be more of an help after this." He said standing to his feet and walking out the sandwich shop alone. It was just me sitting there and all the proof I needed to divorce my husband and take everything. I grabbed the folder and dropped it in my bag. Then stood to my feet and heading out the door shortly after him. I planned on waiting until I got off work to open it together with my husband. Of course I changed my mind and basically ran to my car not caring shit about who saw me. It probably looked like someone was chasing me but fuck it. I reached my car unlocked the doors and pulled the folder out my bag before throwing it to the back seat. I broke open the seal and pulled out ten photo's of five different females. I dropped them all and cover my mouth grasping for any breath of air at this point. Then came the tears I had been holding back this whole time. My heart was indeed broken and Samuel Robert Johnson was to blame. I couldn't hold this meeting like this so I called Morgan to take my place and tell the staff something came up. I was going to get his ass by all means necessary. (Two Hours Later) I walked into my husband and I's half of a million dollars already furnish house. A house that once was so alive and brought me so much joy, at one point. A place I once used to call home and my own. This very house where I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams. That same man I call my husband, carried his last name, and who I was to have kids by some day. Samuel and I purchased this house over four years ago. We were the happiest we could be at the time but something or should I say someone changed all that.I cried to myself as I looked down at the five sets of photos. I glanced at my phone to see what time it was and realized I had been crying for the past two hours. Since I received the pictures I couldn't bring myself to go back to work the rest of that afternoon. I stared at my husband show his receptionist Jessica love and affection. That same female who he swore up and down it was just a rumor eight months ago. I kicked my heels off at the nightstand in front of the staircase and then raced to the nearest bathroom to release this sick feeling in my gut, into the toilet. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Not just one female but multiple, some I knew others I've never seen a day in my life. My husband had five different females he was dealing with while being married to me. I let this man into my life only for him to break me down and hard. I wasn't the same anymore and I knew he wasn't being faithful. That is the main reason I hired a P.I. At this point I was glad I let my cousin, my best friend; hell the only friend I had left at this point Tylleah talked me into calling Norman who was a Private Investigator. That was six months ago I thought the man just took my money and left. Hate to say it, but right now I wish that were the case. I wasn't or haven't been myself in years and I missed who I used to be before I said I do and signed my heart away. I was that girl who didn't need a man for anything. If I needed one it would be for sex, that's if I was sexually active. At twenty-five years old I just knew I had my life all figured out. I owned a great company making a decent amount of money and I thought I had a loving husband who was very patient with me, with not having children for now. My life was too perfect and every girl wanted to be me, accept me. Truth be told I hated my life, down to the name brand heels my husband made me wear. To the 2017 Jaguar, my arrogant husband brought and forced me to drive; it all was just a big front. I was and had been miserable for years. Most females would kill for a man like Samuel who's one of the finest men in these New York streets. The highest-paid lawyer in the Firm and Miracle Monae Moore was his lady. Why was my attitude so negative about the man I married? Keyword he was not the man I married or said I do too. After we were married he became a different person and an evil one at that. Don't get me wrong I used to want to breathe the same air this man breathed. Now I couldn't stand the sight of him. All this came about in the last six months down to this hour. I hired a private investigator six and a half months ago. Only for him to show me my husband was the biggest dog on a lease. Having to sleep next to Samuel every night knowing he was and had been cheating this entire relationship discussed me. In my heart I knew it but why wouldn't I leave him yet? I had no proof, in the end, he was all I knew. He pushed my friends and family away years ago. They all hated him and for this very reason itself, they knew his life before I did. After I released myself for what felt like hours I took a shower and got myself together. Not sure how this evening would play out once I saw my husband. Would I be able to stand my ground and leave him with all the proof? Or would I stoop down low and let this man continue to cheat because I loved him? I dried myself off in my master bathroom shower and heard the alarm ajar. Then I heard my husband's voice followed behind a pair of high heel shoes. See this was the last straw I said to myself as I smiled wrapping the towel around me as I stepped out the shower. I parked my car in our garage for the first time in two years. In other words he thought I was at the office. The sad part of this all was I wanted to shoot this man in the back of the head and plead insanity. I went into my closet to get my gun and went back into the bathroom. I stood in my bathroom until I heard the female's moan and my husband smack her on what sounded like the ass. That's when I walked out the bathroom and asked the two of them did they think my gun was faster than their feet. I pointed my nine millimeter straight at Samuel's head. As they both jumped from the sight of my gun aimed at them. Truth was I snapped and didn't give a fuck about consequences."Baby. Miracle It's not what it looks like" He said and before I knew it I laughed at his responds and then I let out the first two shots.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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