Chapter One - Doodles?!

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-Hey guys! Abbey here. This is the first chapter of my book. Enjoy!

"Doodles!?" Ocean Girl screeched to her friend Purranoid. "Freakin' DOODLES?!" She screeched again. Purranoid nodded.

"Yup! Got mine today." She said calmly. "Her name is--"

"JOEY FINALLY PUT IN DOODLES?!" Ocean kept screaming. She ran around Purranoid like she was on drugs, although she was like this always. Purr laughed. Ocean bolted to the pet shop. Purr rolled her eyes and ran to catch up with her. Ocean's hair and long black ears drifted behind her as she quickly opened the door and walked in. It shut with a loud thud. Purr caught up with her. Ocean was panting and had herself propped on the wall, talking to a clerk. "Can I get a blue one? Like my ice blue color? Perhaps with steel blue feet like me?" She asked, wheezing the words out of her mouth. Purr watched and laughed.

"There's only certain types yanno.." Ocean shot her a look to tell her to be quiet. Purr smiled like that never happened. Ocean's panting lightened.

"Well, we do have a doodle with ice blue color and steel blue spots.." The clerk explained. Purr glanced at him. Something didn't feel right. She saw a cog gear in his pocket.. And a can of oil next to him?! Ocean smiled at the clerk, not noticing.

"Sure, sure. That'll do!" She said gleefully.

"500 beans please." He ordered. Ocean nodded and gave him a card. The clerk scanned it and gave it back. The clerk disappeared through a doorway to get the doodle. Purr walked up to Ocean.

"Something about that clerk doesn't seem right.." She whispered.

"What's bugging you?" Ocean asked, not seeing any suspicion.

"Well.. I saw a cog gear in his pocket and a can of oil by him.." Ocean shrugged.

"I didn't see anything.." Ocean brought her hand to her snout and covered it slightly. The clerk came back out.

"What would you like to name it?" The clerk asked, bringing the doodle in the cage to the counter. It whined slightly, itching its ear with its foot. Ocean flipped through names and burst out in laughter.

"I.. Ahahaha.. Would like to name it Kappa.." She laughed. The clerk didn't smile once.

"Okay. Thank you." The clerk said blandly. She took her doodle and walked out.

"Come on, Purr!" She exclaimed. Purr looked at the clerk one last time, which was staring at her creepily. A shiver went down her spine as she walks out.

Someone Else - A Toontown FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora