It's Just A Dream...

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers Mystic Force or anything associated with it...

Chapter1- It's Just A Dream...

No One's POV

The brunette, clad in blue, glanced around to make sure no one was looking, before she disappeared into a tree and reappeared in the forest. She hummed as she took the route that she knew by heart to the HQ.

"Here we are." The young woman gazed up at the large tree. She sighed and walked into the dragon's mouth.

Udonna, the white sorceress, was no where to be found and Claire, the white witch's apprentice, was out finding some ingredients for a spell she was working on.

Nick, Xander, Vida and Chip were sitting around the table, laughing and joking around. She smiled and made her way towards them."Hey guys!" She chirped and plopped down onto the chair closet to her, which happened to be next to the Red wizard.

"Hey Maddie!/Hey sis!" The all smiled.

"So what are you guys up to? Did Xander embarrass himself again?" Madison asked as she smiled at the boy clad in Green.

"NO!""Yes!" Vida exclaimed making everyone laugh except for Xander.

"Haha! Go on, make more fun of me!" Xander said sarcastically.

"Is it Christmas already?" Vida asked with mock awe and Xander glared at her.

"I'm just joking. Calm down" She then turned her attention to the other Rocca sister. "Anyway, how was work sis?"

Madison shrugged. "Meh. It was ok. It was kinda slow today." The others nodded, understanding the feeling.

"So..." She turned her gaze to the Australian. "What did you do now Xander?" She teased, unaware of the sudden mood change in the other wizards.

Their eyes glowed purple and their smiles turned into frowns, but all this was un-noticed by Maddie who was giggling.

Xander got up and glared at her, the other three copied his actions.

Maddie looked up at her friends, a confused and concerned look on her face, and stood up to face them. "What's wrong guys?"


"Guys?" She asked again, with a hint of fear, as Nick took a step forward with his hand on his morpher.

"Shut up!" He shoved her, making her hit the wall.

She gasped at the pain and crawled away as Nick and the others walked closer. The red phoenix leaned in and whispered. "We never liked you. In fact NO ONE likes you. You're just an attention seeking whore. You're so ugly that it's a crime, and since it's our duty to stop know the rest."

Madison stared in shock and felt tears roll down her face.

"Aaaw don't cry blue witch. It'll only hurt...a lot." He smirked as the others snickered, and took out his morpher which turned into a sword under his command.

He smirked one last time before lifting the sword above his head, ready to strike-

"Noo!" Madison screamed and opened her eyes. She blinked and noticed everyone had crowded around her, looking at her with concern.

She groaned and tried to sit up but was pulled back down by none other then her crush, Nick Russell.

"Easy Madz. Are you okay?" He gently pushed her back down onto the couch and gave her a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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