one hundred and twenty four

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phil was just sitting by dan's bed as normal, and holding dan's hand, of course. he noticed that something was beginning to change, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. he looked around the room, trying to figure it out. then he got it.

the heart monitor.

the horrible beeping was slowing down and the number on the little screen was dipping down to about fifty, phil could only watch as it was getting lower and lower.

suddenly a group of doctors burst through the door and a nurse came up to him.

"you need to leave, here i can follow you" she said and gave phil the most fake smile he had ever seen.

"n-no, i... i need t-to stay" phil manage to get say. "i can't l-leave him like t-this"

"i know it's hard but everything will be better if you let the doctors work alone" she told him and took a gentle but strong grip of phil's wrist.

"p-please..." phil mumbled as tears started to rapidly flow down his cheeks.

"come here" she smiled, once again, a fake smile.

phil gave up and gave dan's hand a tight squeeze before letting go and followed the annoying nurse out of the room. didn't they understand that phil needed to be there if something happened to dan?


i could've published this like two hours ago if i just stopped doubting myself. anyways this book is coming to an end, it might be five more chapters left, probably less.


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