Chapter 4

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Girls like you by Miguel

Axel's POV

"Angela, what the hell?!" I said through clenched teeth.

"I've been looking for you, I thought you were with Azriel. He-"

"He has a life, I suggest you get one." I dismiss her and walk to the back to get in the pool.

 I spotted Skylar in seconds. Her red bathing suit in contrast to her cocoa skin was like neon flashing lights. She was placing her stuff on a Beach chair near the opposite side of the pool. I sit as she glanced where I came in at. She made no indication that she knew I followed her in so  I waited until she jumped into the pool to start taking off my shirt and shoes. I stepped into the pool on the shallow side and watched her swim. She surfaced and wiped her eyes while taking a relaxing breath.

"She's not my girlfriend." I call out to her.

 The few girls who were on the side stopped talking when they heard me speaking. Recognition slid across their faces and I walked closer to Skylar to try and keep our discussion private. I locked eyes with her and stepped closer. She inched back towards the ledge of the pool and watched me keep coming. I liked how the water glistened on her skin like tiny diamonds. She rose slightly and her chest came into view. I can't remember a time I liked bikinis more than right now. I watched her place her hands behind her back onto the ledge and hoist her self up. I touched her leg and she froze looking at my hand.

"Wait, I just want to talk to you. Don't leave." I say watching her eyes.

She nods but doesn't look away from my hand. I slide my hands to her ankles and she relaxed a little. I gently massaged her feet when she spoke.

"What can I do for you Axel?" she said smiling calmly down at me.

I crossed my arms over her lap and placed my head on my forearms between her knees. She wrapped her calves around my back without thinking. I saw aa realization hit her eyes. Before she could pull away I picked her up by her butt and threw her into the water.

"Hey!!" she yelled before going under.

I laughed as she came up for air coughing a little. I think of how my dad will kill me if he was to walk back here, I like what I see. No one will change that. Not even the money I'm supposed to get. She narrows her eyes and dives head first giving me a nice view of her backside. I watch her swim through my legs and resurface behind me. Her chest dragged on my burning back while she rose to her full height, 5'4. I turn around and see her staring at me with some unknown emotion. I find my hands on her waist and she buried hers into my hair. Her eyes became heavy and we moved closer to each other. I'm a breath away from her lips when water crashes over me and I find I've been dunked. I pop up spitting water out of my mouth only to find her walking up the stairs.

"Two can play that game Axel," she said with a teasing smile.

Two defiantly can play this game. Any and every woman's weakness is a man she's attracted to nice body that's wet. I pull myself out of the pool and let the water drag my shorts down low on my hips. Skylar walked up the stairs smiling but her face dropped to shock and then some unreadable expression as she inspected me. I walked confidently up to her and grabbed her chin between my fingers. Her cheek touched my lips when I went in for another kiss. I was then pushed back into the pool.

"I don't need another womanizer on my hands Axel, one is enough." she stated when I came up smiling.

My face dropped as I realized she was comparing me to Delonte.

"I'm nothing like him, don't place us in the same category!" I said defensively.

"Prove it." she called over her shoulder at me while walking back into the locker room for women to shower and change.

Me being me, I would meet this challenge head on and I would win. I always did. It was what my brother taught me. Back then we weren't very close. My mother's visa expired and like always we stayed with my grandmother until that bastard showed up. Now my life is screwed up. When I met Skylar, I forgot all of that. I want her, so I'm going to get her.

"Axel. Come on dad is waiting for us at Oma's. It's time for us to meet those spoiled brats." My brother said when I ran into him in the gym parking lot near my car.

I was in deep thought so I didn't see him until he called my name. I hoped this day would never come.

"I hate him Azriel. I really do," I said harshly while slamming my door shut after climbing into my BMW 5 series.   

"I know you do, but this is the only way to get mom back. You know this, after 3 months we can void our marriages and mom will be here permanently with us." he spoke through the glass looking at me.

I watched the street in front of me and saw Skylar. What the hell am I going to do?

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