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I intake a deep breath as I take aim at the deer about twenty yards away. Releasing the iron arrow, I also released my breath. The arrow flew through the air, hitting the intended target. I place my bow on my back and jump down from the branch I perched myself on. My father taught me although hunting from the ground allows you to chase your prey, it also leaves you exposed to the predators. Being above ground keeps you hidden, and gives a clear view of your surroundings.

I carefully put the young buck onto my back, still aware of my bow. Within an hour, I find myself at the two-story wooden lodge. I walk into my hunting shed that was behind the outdoor blacksmith workshop. Once the door was closed and the candles were lit, I got set to work for preparing the meat to sell in Skyrim. After that, I started sharpening the iron weapons that I would also be getting money for. Only when the sun fall did I finish up my work and pack for the morning.

I washed up inside and made dinner for myself and my mother. It was frowned upon, but my father married a Khajiit. I mostly look like a Nord, but my cat-like eyes and slightly larger and sharper canines give away my parentage. Not to mention my heighted senses that got me out of many situations since I was a child.

Once the stew was finished, I brought a bowl to the room where my mother rests. Her eyes crack open when she hears the floorboards creak slightly. Placing the bowl on the night stand, I help her sit up. When I reached for her bowl, she grabs my arm. I give her a questioning look. She just shakes her head. Tears begin to flood my eyes.

"Na'Jai, it is time for me. Do not worry, my child, I will always be with you," she whispers. She leaned back and once again closed her eyes. Her breathing stopped and loud sobs wracked my body. I carried her outside and buried her beside my father. I ended up staying up all night staring at their graves.

I slowly stood up and took on last gaze at the reminder of my dead parents. I mounted my pure snow white mare and made my way to Skyrim. Night had already fell when I made it through the boarder. I found a small clearing in between some trees and set up camp for the night. I had just started my campfire when a group of soldiers dressed in leather armor with red tunics underneath surround me.

"You halt!" what I guess their commander ordered. "You're under arrest!"

"But I didn't do-," I try to argue, but was cut off with a hard hit to the back of my head. Darkness surrounded me. Red eyes bore into my closed ones. Smoke filled the air and a maw of sharp teeth appear. Soon a large dragon is shown, chaos and destruction surrounding the large being.

"Dovahkiin, hi fen ni kron," he growls out.

"We will see, Alduin," was my response. Who's Alduin? Sithis, my head hurts...

I open my eyes and rapidly blink my eyes to get used to the light. I raise my head and see three men in a cart with me. I try to move my hands, but found them bonded together with a well knotted rope.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." I was going to respond to the Nord till the said thief interrupted.

"Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there... You and me, we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." They continued to argue, and my temper raised. The typical Nord temper mixed with a Khajiit's is something you don't want to experience at full.

"Okay, shut up!" I started. "I have a name, its... Noxx but guess it doesn't matter since they're probably going to execute us. So you,horse thief, stop being a bitch. And you, whatever your title is, stop bragging. And Ulfric-," my rant stops there when I realized I didn't have anything against him. He started chuckling through the gag in his mouth.

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