A Spoonful Of Sugar(Draco x Harry)

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"Potter that's disgusting!" Draco Malfoy exclaimed, his porcelain smooth features pulling into a face of pure disgust, "Coffee is supposed to have sugar, milk, anything. You can't drink it plain! This is chaos! Next thing we know the world will be falling to pieces and I will be able to stand more than an hour within the vicinity of the whole Weasel family!"

"Back to Potter I see?" Harry asked much to gleefully for Draco's taste as he took a sip of his pure black coffee. His inky hair slid forward just barely into his verdant-green eyes which were covered by wiry copper glasses. Draco had suggested months ago that he exchange the pair for a more in style look, but Harry refused stating how he would keep them until the day he finally dies.

"See I would think that after more than a year out of Hogwarts you would have grown out of that petty nickname, after all you didn't seem to be using it last night when I gave you this,"Harry placed a single finger, his chewed down nails scraping slightly against the bruised part of Draco's neck, his normally pale complexion reddening slightly. Harry's finger was sitting atop a hickey, a newly formed hickey, to be exact.

"Or this," Harry moved his finger down slightly to the sharp edges of Draco's collarbone where sat another deep red bruise,"Or even this!"

Harry continued on to point out the various hickeys across Draco's body before Draco most certainly had enough of this nonsense and swatted Harry's hand away from almost cupping his groin through his slate silk pajama bottoms.

"Fine, Harry, why do you drink coffee? Much less black coffee? It's preposterous!"Draco leaned forward towards Harry's steaming drink, taking in a quick whiff before pulling away, his nose scrunching in disgust yet again.

"Because it tastes good and I don't like sweet coffee, Draco, The Love of My Life, Apple of my Eye, Coffee to my Mug," With every word Harry spoke he breathed more and more of the horrid scent into Draco's face, forcing him to crinkle his nose even more, if that was humanly possible.

With the soft mutter of a summoning charm a brand new pack of mints fly into Draco's slender, pale fingers, in which he opened and with a strained smile held out one to Harry. Throughout this process, Draco never once broke eye-contact with the boy, his piercing mercury seeming to be caged by the much too green of Harry's. Neither boy was much different in size, Draco barely being taller by a couple on centimeters, though their body frames were a whole other story. Harry took a more muscular, healthy, fit sort of look while Draco looked pathetic in turn. He was thin and sharp on the edges, but it seemed to fit his uptight attitude and perfect posture which made him seem to loom over you even if you were taller.

"Mint?"Draco asked sweetly, forcing himself not to breath and Harry let out a series of coffee-filled chuckles.

"I don't like spearmint, and I believe the taste of black coffee is a sure way to wake someone up, right?" Harry leaned again the dark marble and granite countertop, one hand held against the cold surface to balance himself while the other was wrapped warmly around a mug reading "World's 2nd Best Quidditch Player". It had been a gift from Draco on his last birthday when he had turned 20-years-old. The day was most definitely one to remember, even though Harry couldn't remember much. Most of it was a blur after the second drink, that was when Draco really had fully understood how much of a lightweight Harry was.

Draco sent Harry a glare of death before picking out a minty circle and placing it lightly onto his tongue. Draco watched Harry's eyes follow the mint into his mouth, but without a moments hesitation Draco quite quickly walked out the door towards the bathroom to prepare for today's events.



"Sweet Salazar, Harry, turn your bloody alarm off before I hex it to the middle of the ocean," Draco grumbled the next morning, turning over to his left side and reaching his arm over in search of Harry's body. Draco's thin arm fell on nothing but their large white duvet and similar white pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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