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Scott-1 POV

"Just to make sure I have all my facts straight, Taylor bit Brody, drank too much blood and has now become a merman?" Deaton asks as he raises his eyebrows.

"Well, he probably turned into a sirenex." The other Stiles replies.

"What's that?" Deaton asks.

"Half merman, half siren." Brody calls out from the lake. We all turn to look at him. I am still in shock about how Taylor changed into a... what did they call it? A sirenex? These people are weird. However, the weirdest thing about this whole situation is seeing the other me with the other Stiles. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I have never thought about Stiles in that way. However, their time of arrival is uncanny because the night before, I saw something about Stiles that scared and confused me. I still have no idea what that hallucination means. I'm just trying to forget about it. That's probably the best thing for me to do. I don't think I should let Stiles, Kira and Samantha know what I saw. I was tempted to tell Stiles, but then I worried that he would think I'm a freak and possibly not want to be my friend. I know that it is a long stretch for Stiles to act like that, especially since it was just a weird hallucination designed to freak me out, but it's possible, right?

"Haha, my Stiles is more like half a b*tch and half a fish if you ask me!" Brody calls out from the water. The other Stiles whips around and flips off his brother. "Oh that's really kinky! Come spank me please daddy." Brody remarks. Everyone bursts out laughing, even the other Stiles. Man, they have some jokes that are extremely weird.

"Only if you slip some hundred on the side, fish breath!" The other Stiles calls back.

"Dude that's gay! Don't be a d*ck!" Brody snaps. I think I know exactly where this is about to go.

"Well you know what they say, you are what you eat." The other Stiles shrugs with a smirk.

"Guys, this ain't 50 Shades of Grey and it is getting really weird now, so I suggest that you both stop. The inc*st jokes are too much." Our Stiles comments, yet continues to laugh.

"Chrom k'z stke k'z okro ku zok chku okbok ormst okb b'm Scotty z' et chchok."

(Please, you know you want to try some of that weird shit with Scotty boy over there)

"Uh, what the hell does that mean?" This world's Stiles asks in confusion. I look around at everyone else. No one seems to have a clue as to what Brody just said, not even Taylor, the other me, the other Stiles or the other Liam. "You probably don't want to know," The other Stiles mutters. "No, you should know, Stiles. Both of you." Brody smirks. I watch as both Stiles' exchange a worried look.

"Come over here and I'll tell you what it means." Brody tells his brother and this world's Stiles. Hesitantly, I watch as they walk over to Brody. I am curious to know what he said myself, but i decide it is probably not good to eavesdrop, so I turn around to face the rest of the group.

Stiles-1 POV

The other Stiles and I walk over to the edge of the jetty nervously. I kneel down and look over the jetty. Brody swims closer to us. "What the hell is this about, Brody?" His brother asks cautiously. Brody only smirks more. "Am I allowed to hear this or not?" Taylor asks curiously.

"If you want to, sure." Brody shrugs.

"Am I going to regret this?" I groan.

"Probably." My doppleganger replies nonchalantly.

"It means 'please, you know you want to try some of that weird shit with Scotty boy over there'. Man, I really hope his punk werewolf ass isn't eavesdropping on this conversation. That would be bad for all of us. But hey, maybe you would want to try some 50 Shades of Grey stuff on him. Maybe he is into that sort of stuff. I wouldn't be surprised." Brody informs us. My face starts burning with embarrassment. "Brody!" The other me hisses in annoyance.

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