Anorexia lullaby

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beckoned by the worlds utmost  temptations .
hurt and trapped by the mirrors sluggish stare,
patiently watching sizes fade away,
closer closer everyday to perfect,
sing me softly  to an unwaking  sleep,
sing me the lullaby of her, like me
let my head rest gently on the pillow,
my lashes the wings of two birds in flight.
seranade my heart to an endless sleep.
lay me gently on a bed of feathers,
send me to the arms of the angel death.
still my blood with songs of past and future.
sing me the song of girls like me,
let the current of the water bathe me,
lead me to the angels path to heaven.
take me, bright eyed, to the crystal glass sky.
a pity, the rose now withered and frail.
brethe the lullaby of roses like I,
sing through the torrent of your tears for us,
while the earth hugs another doe-eyed girl.
Pine for lifes beauty, now dead and wasted.
sing me the stick girl's lovely lullaby.
remember my hollowed eyes as they were,
my smile as radient as it once was,
my voice strong and skin glowing with first blush.
and as my eyes close for the final time,
sing the song of girls from past and future.
sing of the honors my future could have held.
sing me the anorexic lullaby

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