Chapter 9

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Once we got to Curt's house, the whole atmosphere seemed to chill. Also as we had just died.

When we opened the door we were met with a cold rush of wind that smelled like stale cookies and hairspray. Curt's family was no where to be seen anywhere in the house. But everywhere we went there was a sound of scurrying and the feeling of being watched from above us.

"Well I don't seem to see-"

And all the sudden hell fire came from the ceiling and a swarm of hairspray bottles and rats came from the hell hole all at once. When everything was done falling out, the moses levitated down covered in flames.

"I,moses, an the rat devil himself. You mortals are nothing compared to me." He announced in a loud boom voice.

"You have no right to be here you devil, return to the hell in wince you come." Answered back josh with a light beginning to radiate behind him.

"I've been following all of you for days now, every scurry you heard was me following you, waiting for the right moment to bring you to my rat-y hell. But now I need to wed for traditions and since I have you all here, I can choose my new wedding mate." Moses said looking us all In the eyes

"You won't take any of them you, the galactic comity hasn't ratified the right for you to marry mortals" josh argued back with anger clear in his voice.

" I think I know who I want to wed. I choose you." Moses remakes as he pointed to Curt, who fell threw a hole that appeared under him.

"Where do you take him you monster?!" Questioned Josh, but was only answered back with a wink as moses went through the hole from he came from.

"We have to get him back josh, what are we going to do?" I asked with panicked voice.

With a press of a button on his watch, the roof of the house flew off to reveal a space ship looming above us. The ship teleported all of us up into the ship and buckled in us into seats within the ship.

"Welcome to the S.S.HELPME. We're going to travel across dimensions to save Curt from the hands of the rat devil. So If I were you I'd grab a cookie and hold on." Josh announced as he pressed a button on the console to send us up into space.

Looks like I won't be going home alone this time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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