01 blurred people

53 7 0

The music is blaring through the speakers so loud, it's a surprise the windows are still intact. Must be some hard reflectors.
A popular EDM shit is playing. One that Charlie doesn't normally listen to. He's not even sure why he came to this party.
He looks at the red cup in his hand and chuckles to himself. Oh right. He doesn't normally drink at parties. He only pretends to. Spiked drinks are just not his taste. Hah taste.
Crowds are his favorite thing though. Easy to get lost into. And well it gets boring living in an empty house with empty promises. He'd do anything to keep his sanity. To feel, alive?

Funny. Here he is slightly tipsy, wanting more and slowly losing his mind.

The room is slowly suffocating him. He needs to get a refill, he reasons. Faces pass him. He can't make them out. Everyone's a blur. Hah a blur. The air is getting heavier. The music is going over his head.
He stumbles across some couple, mumbling an apology and makes​ his way up the stairs.
He's probably drunk but he doesn't know it. Another song starts playing. He hums along to it. He sits at the top of the stairs and looks over the whole floor. Looking for something interesting.
He realises​ a girl is hovering over him. He looks at her but can't hear what she's saying. Her face's a blur as well. He smiles​. It doesn't matter, he thinks and lets the blurred images drown him

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