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*Yugyeom's POV*

it was early in the morning and I wasn't really sure what happened but i suddenly felt someone poking my face. without opening my eyes i pulled the blanket over my face and flipped to another side of my bed.

then the blanket was pulled away from my face, once again the person poked my face. i opened one of my eyes and saw mark sitting on my bed. Mark saw i was awake and he let out a little giggle.

"aishhhh marrrrk," i whined, "how are you already awake? just let me sleep for another minute" mark is always an early bird, and me on the other hand likes to sleep in.

mark walked away from my bed, "alright ill give you another minute to sleep" with my eyes still closed i smiled at him and snuggled into my bed a bit more. but what it felt like was 10 seconds, i heard mark's voice again.

"KIM YUGYEOM WAKE UP ITS BEEN A MINUTE" mark yelled right beside me. startled from mark yelling, i quickly sat up in my bed, mark almost never yells. "whaaaaat mark it can't be a minute already!" i sat up and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up a bit more. Mark sat on the edge of the bed right beside me and pointed at the clock, "you said a minute, so i counted 60 seconds"

i rolled my eyes at mark, he's always trying to mess with me like that. taking my words literally when i didn't mean it. "come on yugyeom get washed up, remember what you said last night about what we are doing today?!" mark was super happy, he was jumping around like a little kid being all excited. which was strange because i'm usually the one who's excited, or at least mark is always quiet.

i sat on my bed trying to remember what plans i made with mark last night... dang it i'm so tired right now i can't think about anything. "Mark what are we doing today, i don't remember?" Mark stopped jumping around and looked at me wide eyed, "Kim Yugyeom you can't just bail out like this! you said we would go today!" the older boy whined, huh now it seemed like i'm the older one here.

"I said i don't remember, not we are not gonna go! call me some slack i just woke up!" honestly it's too early in the morning for us to bicker but i guess mark is just so excited for whatever is going on, so i guess i gotta grant his wish or whatever i planned last night.

"Oh, well, you said we are going to Disney World together! ugh i'm just SO excited because back in LA i've been to Disney Land a lot but i have never been to Disney World." Once again i rolled my eyes at mark, "so he was just excited like a little kid for going to the amusement park? well i guess now i am the older one here" i thought to myself, getting out of bed. "i'm going to get washed up and dressed, so you just wait for 20 mins and today will be a day where we go on all the Disney rides!"

Mark just simply nodded probably because he got tired from being super excited all morning. i mean, his fault for being overly excited for a non-morning person to get up and get their mind functioning. i quickly got washed up and dressed and headed out the door.

when we got to our destinations we were both astonished by the number of theme parks that are in their. it would literally take us days to go around the whole park. i was the first one to speak up, breaking away from our admiration at the view in front of us, "alright, let's get our tickets and we can begin our Disney World adventure!" i pulled on to Mark's arm and kind of dragged him to where the tickets are being sold.

After we got our tickets we went on all the rides that we liked, even though some of them i didn't like as much but seeing the smile on mark's face is enough. he really really loved this place, and seeing him like this i couldn't help but to smile with him as well.

as the famous saying goes, "fun times always goes by fast," and honestly that is so true. quickly the sky became dark but the lights within the park lit up. Glowing beams of neon colorful lights where around us. After our final ride we decided to get some ice cream to end our adventure here.

As we were paying for our ice cream, we heard a loud boom going off in the distance. which nearly made both of us jump. then suddenly mark excitedly yelled out, "oh this is the Magic Kingdom fireworks at night! i have always seen pictures of it but it's so pretty in person!" i handed one of the ice creams to Mark and again i couldn't help but to smile at the older boy who clearly looks like the younger one between us right now. "well looks like this a great way to end our trip Mark. we should come back again"

mark just simply nodded and focused his eyes upon the fireworks in the distant. few moments later i saw mark opened his arms, motioning for a hug. i giggled at his sudden action and embraced him into my arms. "thank you yugyeom, today was literally the best day of my life. and right now, i'm here with the best person in the whole world. i love you as much as my own family. i love you yugyeomie."

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