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  I wake up to the sound of my father telling me that it is time for breakfast. "Hurry up, Nate, it's getting cold." He tells me. What a way to get the day started, huh? I put on my shirt, a pair of socks, fresh pants, and a pair of pants and with hop, skip, and a jump (and a whole chocolate bar because I'm sort of late) I am out the door. Finally. On my way to school, high school.. I'm 17, I encounter a few of my friends; Valorie, David, and Henry, so I walk along with them. "Hey, man!" Valorie greets with a spunky smile. Valorie Johnson has always been there for me. She's been my friend since kindergarten. "Yo, bro wassup??" David says with two deuces in the air, Henry snaps him a dirty look. David and Henry Russel have been my friends since - well.. I can't remember. Henry is kind of stand-offish while David is sort of the complete opposite. "Way to make yourself look like an idiot..'bro'." Henry says to David. "Alright, alright enough." I tell the two. Valorie is cackling in the background at the situation. Attractive.

  We make our way over to Greeningvale Highschool and we separate into our different classes and so on and so forth. Valorie sits at the desk behind me in third period English. I feel a poke in my back every few minutes. "Hey um, Nate... do you have a pencil I can borrow?" She asks. "You have one. You just touched me with it, Val." I reply. Nice comeback, Nate. Now she can't possibly think of any other way around that. "Well, this one is dull, so I'm asking you for a better one." She retorts with a slight sneer. "Damn it, Val, you got me this time." I say. Valorie smirks as I hand her a pencil. Our English teacher, Mr. Harrison, looks at us and sees us talking. Shoot. This is the worst class to be ridiculed in, being that Mr. Harrison is newly divorced and all. "Since you're so open about talking to one another during my class, maybe you should teach it. I am sure whatever you have to say is more important that you and your fellow classmate's education. So Ms. Johnson and Mr. Weaver, what were you two going on about back there?" He asks us. This is utterly mortifying, but hey, suck it up. Right? "Oh Mr. Harrison, I was just asking my good friend Nathan o'er here for a pencil since mine broke." Valorie confesses. Somehow she manages to tell the truth in a way that can't get her in trouble because Mr. Harrison didn't even blink an eye at her excuse. Now had it been me that fessed up, haha, we would have had a major problem with my self esteem being at critically low levels.

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