Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Surprise Appearances

Venus stared intently at her clay model. In the beginning, she wanted it to be an onion so she moulded it to look like one. Halfway through, she decided it looked more like a beetroot than anything so she began making its leaves. Halfway through that she realised it looked more like a pineapple. By the time she was done giving her model the weird scales that pineapples had Venus had officially invented a new fruit.

"So um, what exactly is it?" Mrs Lewis asked. Venus's art teacher had a look of uncertainty on her face as she gazed at the model.

"That depends on you." Venus said in her best 'I know what I'm talking about and I'm not just making this up on the spot' voice. "Art, Mrs Lewis, is all about perception."

Mrs Lewis gave her a small smile before turning away. Venus was definitely not getting an 'A' for art this term.

Sighing, Venus slumped against the table causing her model to fall from its stand. She reached out to catch it but it was too far away.

She waited for the sound of it crashing to the ground to hit her ears but it never came.

"Need a hand?" Came a voice.

Venus looked up and instantly felt her heart rate increase and cheek go pink. She smiled sheepishly at the brown haired boy.

"Um thanks Matt." She said as she took her model off him. She was careful not to touch his hand through the short process.

"No problem Vee," He replied before flashing her a warm smile. "See you around."

Venus struggled to stay upright.

Matt Hastings spoke to me. Matt Hastings spoke to me. HOLY SHIT MATT HASTINGS SPOKE TO ME.

Venus felt herself internally scream .She probably looked insane but she couldn't care less. Matt Hastings, the boy she had had a crush on since her primary days spoke to her. The tan, green eyed, brown haired, tone muscled boy she sat behind in both her maths and science class just called her 'Vee'. If Venus were to die now it wouldn't matter.

The bell rang and Venus quickly put her model down before grabbing her satchel and rushing out of class.

She opened her locker and began shoving her books inside. She stopped momentarily to gaze at herself in the mirror she attached to the inside of her locker. Today she wore her favourite pair of brown boots, blue jeans, a maroon sweater and a beige blouse underneath.She undid her hair from its bun she had put it in to keep it from getting dirty in art. Venus sighed. She looked the same as she always did. Average.

She caught a glimpse of the office lady speaking to a few people in the mirror. When she looked closely she almost choked on air. What the hell were Finn and Fin doing at Jordan Senior High?

She blinked a few times and they disappeared.

"You're only imagining this." She told herself.

She closed her locker only to find Wendell standing behind it. Surprised, Venus jumped back and yelped.

"Nice to see you to Saturn." Wendell said rolling his eyes.

Venus's shocked expression was replaced with an annoyed one.

"It's Venus."

"Saturn, Venus it's all the same to me." Wendell said "Now can you do me a favour?"

Venus scoffed. "Goodbye."

"Please Neptune I'm begging you!"

"Not happening Wendy."

Children Of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora