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Hey peeps

here is a little shopping chapter

its crappy, I know :)

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Lucia's POV

(Nothing important happens in this chapter, skip if you want :)

Meg is taking me out shopping for this welcome back thing, we have been shopping for many years, since we were 11 we would go to our favourite mall on a bus and just do whatever and chill, ahhh the good old days.

"Oh wow he is hot!" I said pointing to the guy a couple of cars away while we locked our car.

"Lu you have a boyfrie-" she said chuckling at me

"Shhh" I silence her "Im being 12 again" I said while still checking the other guy out.

"Ohh ok then, he is pretty cute!" She said looking at him too.

We both turned to each other and started to laugh as an eldrely couple walked past us and looked at us.

"Cmon lets go, lets shop till we drop" Meg said as she rushed down the elavator, I follow her as she leaps down the elavator.

She find a cute, little dress shop that we explore.

I find a stunning crystal blue dress, that would suit meg.

We are picking dresses out for each other to wear.

"Ohhh megglezzz" I call to her

"Yes lu?" She replies

I lift up the dress and see her eyes glow with excitment as she rushed over to the dress.

"What's the price?" She asked

"Ummm" I said as I reached for the tag "$146...."

"Its not cute anymore" We say at the same time as we quickly put it back on the rack.

And we head to the sale sign.

"3,2,1 you have 5 minutes to find dresses you want me to wear" She say while we do our special handshake.

"Same to you"

I end up getting 4 dresses for meg

1. Flowly emerald green dress

2. Tight Dark blue dress

3. Tight black dress with blue dimontees

4. Blue and black lace dress

She is the first to try on things.

I sit on the couch patiently waiting for the 1st dress.

She comes out with it on and does a twirl.

"I look like a leprechaun Lu!" She laughed as she looked in the mirror.

I walked up to her and giggled as I pushed her back in the dressing room.

The 2nd dress came out.

I make a face because its way to short, she turned around and you could nearly see her undergarments.

I start to chuckled as she looked in the mirror.

"Harry would like that, most definitely!" I giggled

"Wait just let me go back to the strippers room I think I left my thing there" She laughed as she pretend to walk away

She was about to walk out when I here a faint "Lucia..."someone whispered

"What?..." I whispered back

"Grab the dress when I chuck it over okay?" She whispered

I find out its meg

She chucks the dress over and I check it, ohhh I see now.

"Hahahaha" I burst out in laughter

"Lucia shhh, that dress is disgusting" She giggled

"Put the last one on yet?" I say impatiently

"I don't know Lu" She said as she stepped out the curtain room.

"Wow, the blue top fitts nicely! and the bottom looks great with the black lace over the blue!" I say giving her a smile from ear to ear.

"You really think so?" she asked twirling around, I nodded and she smiled.

"Now get in there" She said pushing the curtain open for me

Luckily she only got 2 dresses


I have my dress now Lucia has to pick hers.

I choose the same one she wore to the masquerade ball, she didn't reconginse it...

and then I choose an ugly pink dress, I know she hates pink so I did it on purpose.

"Ewww meg!!" She said as she walked out of the changing room.

I laughed as she twirled around in the mirror

"I look like a fat pagent girl" She said "No affence to beautiful pagent girls but, this!" She said running into the room and closing the curtain in disgust.


She comes out with her dress, that was exactly like the party one.

"Woah...normally I don't like sequins..hah" She says looking up at the black to gold dress.

"You look spectacular like last time..." I said

"Last time?" She said raising her eyebrows

"Oh um I meant let's go, harry just texted me they are done"

"Ok meggieee" She said not believing me

Sorryaboutthischapter, nothingreallyhappens, sorry.

Anywaythenextchapterwillbethemostdramayet!!! it'sgonnabeverydramatic! trustme!




LoveY'all - Lu xx

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