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Johnny, Kelly and Andy were in the waiting room when I burst into it. Millie and Doug were with them.

"Where is she?" I asked.

They all looked up and they all smiled. Then Dad caught up and none of them were sure what to do.

"Bow, say 'Your Majesty' and then we can get this show on the road," I said.

They did and looked a little more relaxed. I looked to Millie.

"She's got a room of her own. Went back to not saying anything once she said she'd only speak when the four of you are here."

"Then let's go," Andy said. "I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of not knowing why a little girl wanted me dead."

"Amen to that," Johnny said.

The three of us looked at Kelly. She sighed and stood up. "Ok."

The psyche ward was similar to a normal one, but that might have been because we were in the kids' area where dangerous patients weren't kept. Johnny argued that Alice was dangerous, all evidence pointed that way, but I reminded him that she'd gone back to staring at walls. Everyone here had their own rooms, but as I looked into a couple of them, I saw that the beds all had restraints.

"I feel like we're in a horror film that's about to go wrong," Kelly mumbled to the floor.

I wouldn't admit it aloud, but I had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach too. We went down a few long corridors and around a corner before we got to the room she was in. a doctor had joined us on the way and stood in front of the door, arms crossed. He looked down at us for a moment and then decided he had no choice.

"You have a choice. You don't have to do this," he said.

"Yeah we do," Johnny said.

The doctor looked at us a moment longer and then nodded his head. He stepped aside and opened the door.

"We need to look first," William said and went in with Chin Ho.

For a few minutes they scrutinised the room and then William came out. We went in.

Alice wasn't any different to normal, except for the addition of a bandage on her arm. Dark, glossy hair felt to her shoulders, her tiny body was still and her round face was expressionless. It was almost like looking at a doll or waxwork. She didn't move to acknowledge our presence. She didn't even blink. I looked at Johnny, but he was looking expectantly at me. I turned back to Alice.

"Alice?" I asked and took a tentative step forward. "We're here. Johnny, Andy, Kelly and me."

"Only you four," she said not looking away from the wall.

Chin Ho was still in the room. He was stood by the door.

"I can't leave, Princess," he said.

"It's the only way she's going to talk," I said.

On the way over, I'd explained to Dad, him and William exactly what was going on and why. I explained more about her as well and the fire and what Millie had told me. Apparently, they'd all decided I wasn't to be left alone. They hadn't even said it out loud.

"I'll be fine," I said.

"Sorry, Princess."

"But – "

Dad stood in the doorway. He had his arms crossed and was looking displeased. I thought it was with the entire situation rather than anything that had happened so far. He looked longest at Alice and then he looked at me.

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