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  ( this is the main bullies
As they were running they heard footsteps behind them. Patrick looked back and saw Jake, the schools varsity running back.
"SHIT!" He said loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. They looked back and started running faster. Jake could easily outrun all of them buutttttt he wasn't very smart. When the turned the corner they stopped for a second.
"Who is that?" Said Ally.
"Jake" breathed Kenya. As Jake took off down the hall they just laughed. Then Kenya pushed Angel.
"Dumbass has a death wish" Angel just laughed and continued walking.
They just walked with her. Patrick stopped and hugged her. They walked ahead while Kenya and Ally were behind a few paces.
"Are they dating" Ally asked Kenya. She just laughed. Not a mean laugh
"They fight like it, but no they're twins."
Ally felt a weight lift off her heart. She smiled wide. She tried to hide it when she saw Kenya look at her through the corner of her eye. Kenya smiled and Ally blushed.
"Your secret is safe with me." Said Kenya. Ally may be new here but she felt at home here. These were her new friends. She never had very many friends. And to be honest she kinda liked Patrick. She never believed in love at first sight or even love in general. But he was just different. There's no real way to explain it but a weird instant attraction. As they turned the corner they were met up with the groups other friends. Three to be exact. One was tallish but taller than Patrick with black hair, guyliner and black clothes. He looked kinda sad-happy. Like when he saw just his smile grew wider but you could tell he wasn't ok. The one next to him was tall and skinny. He wore a black anthrax tee and plain blue jeans. He had short fluffy hair and buffish arms. The next was weird he looked so tough with his buff body but his face was nice. He had long redish hair and glasses. (

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