The Knight in Leather Armor by Atlantis94

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The Knight in Leather Armor by Atlantis94

Unlike the prim and proper Eastland, Westwood is filled with criminals and robbers, thugs and drug addicts. But, Angela's not afraid of the danger that lurks outside, it's her brother Danny's best friend and convict, Harry, that makes her heart leap out of her chest and her mouth go dry- in fear. Danny's other friends don't mind Angela and help Danny protect her after their father dies. But, it's Harry who takes it as a personal burden and always follows and spies on her. If he hates her so much, why does he care about her safety? Is there a heart somewhere underneath Harry's leather armor? A heart that has him torn between loving Angela and maintaining Danny's trust. Can Angela help Harry remove the leather armor he hides behind, or will Harry's track record- or Danny- catch up with them before they have a chance?



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