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Joker was busy away in his study, the next day when a distracting knock kept bothering, eventually giving up on getting anything. He opened the door, "What! Ah Selina, WHAT DO YOU WANT" She smiled "You!"  "I'm sorry I'm taken" he chuckled while shutting the door, CW put her foot to stop it and spoke up. "Now need to talk about Harley" he opened the door "what about her?" He asked. She shook her head "my office now"

She closed the door and J, sat down, "Have you not noticed how different she's been?" Selina asked, "No?" She shook her head, "she's obsessed with Ivy!" Joker raised his not existent eyebrow "who?" She sat down, "the plant" Joker chuckled and then Selina explained the situation with Harley.

"Ok so what do we do?" Joker smiled at her question, "Listen, there isn't anything we can do, she will forget about it in s couple of months!" She shook her head "and if she doesn't" "then I'll do something Ok" Selina nodded "also don't call me Kyle" he laughed as she left.

The next three months, Harley was still trying to get a lead, on Ivy and Joker had been paying more attention on her and how her attention on him had been becoming less and less. Now, five months after her disappearanceb, still nothing, Joker was going to say something to Harley, so he locked all the doors and hid the keys, just in case she decided to leave. We all know what there like when they fight, and Joker wasn't going to take anything lightly.

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