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A couple of weeks went by olly bin busy at work doing tv show, radio and more so he as bin away alot but he is back in and week then he got 4weeks off because in 2weeks we are having a baby girl so its washing the baby clothes packing my bags for the hospital and that

so I am planning a water birth water keeps me calm I feel safe in the water it mad how safe I feel

so me and olly had dinner and sit down to watch a dvd so I picked a film called p.s I love you and half way through I started geting bad plans in my tummy so I told olly minutes later I felt wet so olly ran to get my some clothes and my hospital bag as I changed he got the car ready and call the hospital and tells yhem we are coming in so they can get the room ready and he come and gets me and takes me to the car

as olly starts to drive I ask him for his phone to call the family and tells them he gives me his phone and I call my mom and dad I tell her we are on our way to the hospital she tells my she will come as some as she calls my family

after talking to my mom I call ollys mom and tell her she calles her family and meet us at the hospital

we get to the hospital and they take us to the room number 3 she tells me to sit on the bed so see can check how far i am I was 6cm dilated she tell my to go and get in the pool and the breath on the gas and air

and sets up the things I need

after a hour it was time to puse I was pushing for 20mins and no show I can see them worrying so olly comes over and holds my hand and starts to sing

Strike up the band, let's start a fire

Put up your hands, show your desire

If you want this, don't hold back

Ask you to stand like one of the choir

Lift up your voice, and build it up hire

In this moment don't look back

cause tonight, the stars are easy in your eyes

Tonight, our arms are open wide

I don't want to be anywhere else

And if i have to give or myself

I don't want to be anywhere else, but here with you

now pushs naii you can do it i still got his hand and pushed till I got her in my arms after 5mins olly started taking pictures of her and us for twitter but no till the family have seen her

after that it was time to cut the curd and olly was doing that

Date: 20th feb 2014

Weighing: 6.8lb

Time: 9.37pm

after having her it was time to push the after birth out and get changed to see our little girl

35mins later I got changed and headed to the bed I was tired but want to see her as I got in to bed olly walked over with her and kissed my head I know to could do it baby and pass her to me as he sat down next to me jt looking at her

the nurse asked if family was here as they can come in and see her I olly sed they am waiting out side so the nurse sed she will go and get them

as they all walked in the room olly got up and sed

we would like you all to meet BILLY-JO MURS and her pass her to my mom and so on till they all had a hold and a picture with her

after a 1 hour it was time to all go they all had a hold and a picture with her and the nurse wanted me to feed her as I am brest feeding

after that me and olly fell asleep on the bed till 4.35am as she wanted feeding again and a 8.30am

the nurse come in and helpp us bath her and change her olly taking lots of pictures he picked her out some clothes as we can go home today we put her a vest on that had her name on and a dress and tights with a hat as it was a hot day as olly was holding her I got ready and packed my things and that ready the nurse came in and sign thesepappers and feed her them you can go home

I signed the pappers and sat down to feed her as olly went on twitter to tell fan

I would all like you to meet Billy-Jo murs who has stole my heart :) with a picture off me, olly and billy-jo

after feeding her olly got the bags and I got her in her car set and picked up the pappers to hand in to the reception and thanked them all and walked out to the car to go home

we pulled up to the house cars out side and we walked in to familys and friends a little party that olly planned and his mom

they brought bloons and teddies for her as we put the car seat down

so thay all can see olly got her out and pass her to friends taking pictures

after a hour I walked in the kitchen to get some food and olly followed me we stud dy the door and just watched them all


                                         ♡♥♡ The end ♡♥♡

plz vote and follow me and comment if you would like and new one on this story or not

thanks again for reading hope you like it and go and check out my other book on olly murs called My Holiday Romance (olly murs)

bye for now :)

OLLY MURS AND ME #Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now