XVIII - And then

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(A/N: Hey so I just wanted to say sorry... just sorry. TRIGGER WARNING. VERY long 3000+ words)

Joey's POV

I woke up to a happy feeling in my heart. I feel so at peace as the sun rays soak into my skin. I lie in my bed for another few minutes before opening my eyes. I am cold and alone. The same as every morning. Danny must have already left and gone to the stables to start working. 

I look at my bedding and notice it's all messed up. That's strange, Daniel always tidy's it before leaving. My eyes flicker to my balcony window. It's closed. Closed? How can it be closed? This is all very strange.

Lastly I glance at my bedside table. There's nothing there. Nothing. No flower at all. My thoughts instantly darken. 

Where is he? What if he left me and ran away again? What if something happened to him? What if someone took him?!

No, no, no, no! He's just uh... at the stables, yeah! He just.. uh.. forgot.. yup! That's it!

He never forgets.

I leap out of my bed. I have to find him!

I throw some clothes on as quickly as I possibly can and race outside my room and down the hall. As I'm running I hit something. Or someone. Daniel? I hope.... Jerold. 

Joey- Not now Jerold!

I try to step around him, I can't waste any time.

Jerold- Wait your Majesty! It's about your dark haired friend sir.

Joey- What?! Where is he!?

Jerold's face instantly dropped and he looked hesitant to tell me. I could feel my worries growing in the pit of my stomach.

Jerold- Um I don't really know how to say this but he's gone.

Joey- Gone? GONE! Jerold what do you mean!?

Jerold- Well, Earlier this morning a young man came to the castle to speak to the King, I don't know what about. Then about ten minutes ago I saw guards and the King come out of your room dragging the boy outside with them. 

My heart DROPPED. 

Jerold- He didn't struggle much and he wasn't making a noise. They dragged him outside and as they went past me Daniel mouthed 'Tell Joey I love him.'

Tears that were already welling in my eyes began to leak. I collapsed onto the ground in despair. NO! This can't be happening! I somehow manage to pull myself up off the ground and onto my shaky legs.


Jerold- I'm really sorry Prince Joseph but it's true.

Joey- No! He's just at the stables! I'm going to go find him!

I run down to the stables, tears still flowing uncontrollably. Luckily they aren't far from the castle, just a couple minutes. 

Once I made it there I pushed past the guards in a desperate attempt to find my love. I run first to my horse's stall, since Daniel is his groom. I swing the stall door open just to be met with my horse, no Daniel. I run through the rest of the stables, calling his name. Lastly I make it to his horse's stall. The jet black mustang was standing in his stall peacefully till I burst in. This was the stall that me and Daniel had first properly met, all those years ago. The memories flash through my mind of all the time we've spent together, all of it so amazing even if either of us was upset. I can't live without him.

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