Sway With Me

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"Hey Barnes." Bucky rolled his eyes at the voice that called him; he turned around only to witness Tony. "What is it Stark?"

"Do you know any Joe?" Bucky's eyebrows knitted in confusion as he looked at the billionaire. "You know the Hydra that were experimenting on you- weren't you their lab rat?" Tony ignored Bucky's rising anger and quickly chimed in.

"I think Mars is in trouble- I need your help, she could be in trouble with Hydra." Tony's words instantly made Bucky forget his anger- he didn't want anyone going through Hydra like he did. He knew the pain.

"To make this clear- I'm helping Margo, not you." Bucky said with a hostile tone, brushing past Tony.

Tony shrugged and followed Bucky, "Fair enough."

Steve watched as Margo's cheeks turned a shade of pink; after they watched parks and recreation, Steve played some music and asked Margo to dance with him.

"I can't dance Steve!" Margo said as her cheeks became redder while she giggled. "C'mon. I'll teach you." Before Margo could protest, Steve grabbed her hand and gently pulled her closer to him.

He respectfully placed his hand on her hip while she placed hers on his shoulder. "Just follow my lead." He said looking down to her.

She couldn't help but dive deep into his eyes, his cologne wasn't helping either- it just pulled her closer into him.

Margo had to avert her eyes from his to his feet to watch his movement, she copied it precisely. She stepped on his feet one time or two- but she got the hang of it at the end.

"Not so bad is it?" Steve said.

Margo winced. "Since I'm dancing with you...I expected a lot better..." At Steve's shock expression, Margo burst out laughing, ending the dance that Steve hoped that it wouldn't stop.

"I'm only messing with you." She said. Steve smiled and as he looked down to her, an idea popped in his head. "Hey, do you wanna go grab something to eat?"

Steve and Margo sat under a tree in a park filled with people who were either walking their dog, sitting or walking.

Margo took a big bite of her hot dog while Steve's eyes roamed around the park, taking in the greenery and observing the happy people- to him, it looked like the people had zero worries in the world.

"What're you thinking about?" Margo pulled him back in. But before Steve could answer her, it was like she read his mind. "They look so happy, don't they?" She said with no hint of sadness or envy.

"They do." Steve agreed, taking a bite of his hot dog. "Its like there is nothing in the world that worries them."

"You see the lady in the blue dress holding hands with the guy?" Steve searched for the people Margo was talking about. Once he spotted them, he nodded.

"Their relationship could be in shambles, Steve. Who knows?" Margo took a bite of her hot dog again. "There's a big IF here. Maybe one of them cheated." Steve tried to understand her assumption only then did he notice the body language that the couples had. They were only holding hands, their bodies far apart. A smile were on their faces but it wasn't for each other.

"You see the old lady who is sat on the bench? Feeding the pigeons?" Steve nodded again. "Her husband could have died months or weeks ago." Margo finished her hot dog, scrunching the paper in her fist.

"The mother and her two kids- the son and daughter- their father could be in prison, or he died three years back." Steve observed the blonde mother who watched her kids argue over a toy with a small smile on her face. But her eyes were telling a different story- it was as if she was recalling a memory.

Steve wanted to assume that Margo was reading their minds but he remembered that it was Wanda who could do that, not Margo. "How do you know?"

"I don't Steve. I don't know. Because just like you, many others are pretending. I think everyone in this park today are pretending- they're putting aside what's troubling them. Because why live the rest of your life thinking over one thing in your past that was messed up? There is no reason Steve. You only do better."

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