The Meet-Up Cx

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So it was one week before the album release party, they had been chatting on Snapchat back and forth for weeks, it was probably the best few weeks sky has ever had, then it happened, he texted

"Hey sky! are you coming to the release party?"

Skylar was at the store with her dad when her phone lit up and it said 'Stephen Norton <3'

Of course she got really excited.. until she opened it, her face immediately turning sad..

"Whats wrong?" Skylars dad asked worriedly,

"Stephen texted and asked if i was going to their album release party *signs* i wish i was" sky said sadly then responded "No.. its in cali and i can't afford a plane ticket.."

"Oh... well guess what? Ill buy you one!! anything to finally meet you!!" Stephen sent back almost immediately,

skylars face lit up when she read it, "Really!?!?!? you would do that?!"

"Of Course! i'll fly you out tomorrow! that okay?"

"Of Course that's okay! spending a whole week with you?! that sounds amazing"

"I Was actually gonna fly you back in about... two weeks Cx"

"Oh My Lord Stephen you are adorable!!" at this point skylar's basically crying in joy,

"Yeah i know i am :P I'll text you in a bit i'm gonna go shower" stephen responds,

"Alright Stephen! ttyl!"

(A/N: i should also through out there that at this point they are just best friends, they haven't admitted they liked each other yet Cx that is all)

a few hours had passed and Sky's packing her suitcase, also in shock that she gets to meet the love of her life the following day! she hasn't told stephen how she feels about him yet, she's never felt like this about anyone before, she hasn't really had any boyfriends cause she isn't really liked by anyone really, her Best friend Sam was her first actual friend, if anything ever were to happen to Sam she would be devastated,

she sends a text to stephen, "Hey can you call? Cx"

"Sure can!" stephen replies immediately calling afterwards

"Hey Stephen!'

"Hey Sky! whatcha up to?"

"Just packing for tomorrow, what about you?"

" just cleaning my place up a bit, playing with lucky as well

"Of course you are playing with lucky *giggles* You don't have to clean just for me you know" Sky says blushing thanking god he can't see her.

"Yes i do Sky, my place is a mess!" stephen replies then laughing,

They talk for a few hours, then sky realizes that it's midnight,

"i'm gonna go to bed stephen, i'll text you when i wake up!"

ok! night! sleep well, i'm so excited to finally meet you"

"as am i! night stevie bear"

"Goodnight sky, sleep well"

(call ends)


the next morning Skylar wakes up, gets dressed and heads to the airport with her dad, as they arrive at the airport they start to say their goodbyes

"I'll miss you dad" skylar says as she hugs her dad,

"I'll miss you too, have a fun trip, and be safe!"

"i will dad don't worry! Bye dad!" skylar says as she runs inside trying not to miss her flight. luckily she makes it, and of course texts stephen, "Hey i made the flight, im seated, waiting to take off now, i'm so excited to see you!"

"mornin, i'm excited to see you too, i'm about to start getting ready to head to the airport now, i'll let you get settled, text me when you land!!" stephen responds then goes to take a shower,

"i will, See you soon stephen!!" Skylar responds, turning her phone on airplane mode, and getting ready to sleep.

about 3 hours pass, sky lands in cali, so excited to see 'her stephen', she exits the plane, franticly looking around for stephen, and freezes the moment she finds him, holding a sign, that says "Skylar.. uh.. Norton? Cx" She starts busting out laughing, then runs over to hug him,

"Norton!!" she calls out as she jumps into his arms, gaining awhs from all the surrounding people.

"Hey sky! how was your flight?"

"Meh it was okay, i'm way better now that i'm here with you" sky says as she smiles softly,

"Awh, how sweet!" Stephen says as he hugs her,

"C'mon let's go get my bag!" Sky calls out as she walks towards baggage,

"Okay Okay wait up!" stephen says then chuckles, following behind sky.

as they make their way to stephens car, then making their way to stephen's place, making their way inside, of course stephen carried sky's things, being all adorable and manly

"Stephen you are such a gentleman" Sky says as she blushes,

"i try" stephen says as he rubs the back of his head nervously,

"why are you nervous norton?" sky says confused

"i'm not i uh.. i'm just so happy to finally have you here" stephen says as he blushes.

"You are adorable" Sky says as she kisses stephen's cheek, realizing what she just did and immediately " i'm so sorry, i, i wasn't thinking" she says as she blushes and stares at the ground.

"It's okay sky! make yourself at home! i'm gonna go make us some food!

"uh.. yeah sure" she says nervously"

______________________________TO BE CONTINUED__________________________________

Stephen Norton Dreams CxWhere stories live. Discover now