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My name is Anne.  I don't like it much, it's so simple, but I guess theres nothing I can do about that is there?  Let me tell you a little 'bout myself; I live in Tennessee, always have, always will.  

I live in a little square town called Brookreed with my Mama, Papa, Gramma, and big brother Teddy.  Basically I'm living the country cliché I live in this tiny town with two parents who love each other more than life, I've got the biggest family you e'er seen, and they all live here in Brookreed, lucky me.  I could bore you by naming each and every one of my cousins, aunts, and uncles, but that would take about half a year. Of course there's never any rush for anything in this town, that is, unless you're late for church on a Sunday, I think that's bout the only time you'll ever see my mama flustered.

Well, not everything's just perfect and dandy down here in the country.  For instance, Teddy and my papa do not get along at all.  Teddy has these dreams of taking his guitar to New York City, the Big Apple, and becoming a rockstar! Personally, I support him, and there's nothing I'd enjoy more than seeing my big brother on T.V., but Papa doesn't think that's rational, he wants teddy to take over the family business of being a farrier, (that a horse-shoer in case ya'll didn't know,) it's not glamorous work but it puts food on the table and he seems to enjoy it. You see, my papa loves horses, I guess I got that from him, I even have my own, her name is Daisy (I know what you're thinking, how much more cliché can my life get?)  but truth is Daisy is my anchor, I spend every free second of my day in the barn talking to her, horses don't judge ya like people tend to do.  I'm tellin' you, that old mare is much better than a boyfriend. Which, brings us to my second dilemma: I don't have a boyfriend.

Ya, I'm only sixteen, but out here that means I'm due to get married within five years.  No, it's not like there's a whole lot'a pressure on me to tie myself down right away, my papa would sure be happy to see me single my whole life, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like one.  My best friend Morgan has the most amazing boyfriend named Derek, they've been dating since middle school.  Middle school!  Can you believe that? And here I am sixteen and never had a boyfriend, Heck! I've never even had my first kiss!


Hi! What do you guys think? This is just the introduction so ya'll can get an idea of Anne.  This is my first story so please don't be too hard on me!:)  And if you guys liked it please show your friends, I swear it'll get interesting, you just have to bare with me through the first chapter or so, so that I can get my story set up.  Please comment, vote, share, rate, or whatever ya'll do here on Wattpad- Like I said, I'm new here so go easy on me:)

Oh, also, the title of the story will make sense later on.

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