Chapter 1

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                                                                            Chapter 1

I have a daily morning routine:  Every morning I wake up when the sun rises- school day or not.  Most girls my age would sleep 'til two in the afternoon if you give them the chance, but not me. Ya see, this routine is sacred to me, it's practically a ritual. I absolutely have to wake up with the sun, it doesn't take any work for me, it's just natural to me to wake up 'round four or five in the morning to see the sun rise.  Each and every morning I climb out of bed and before I do anything else I tip toe down the stairs, round the house, across the field, to the back of the barn, where I use every ounce of muscle I've got to pull open those giant barn doors. Then, I walk inside, give Daisy a kiss good morning, and climb up the old ladder to our hay loft.  In the hay loft, when you pull aside a few bales of hay it's easy to find a rather large hole in the ceiling, just large enough for me to creep through and pull myself up to the roof of the barn, where I shimmy on over to the side lean back and watch the clouds slowly seperate. With each minute, one more drop of the shining sun flashing through the fog, revealing it's brilliance.  I lay there and allow the dew to collect on my body, mesmerized just as much as the last time, every morning as I watch the birth of the new day.

After the sun has awakened, I climb down from the barn roof, walk back across the field, and enter my house where the smell of bacon and pancakes with fresh maple syrup is already filling the kitchen.  I offer a quick greeting to my Ma, leap up the stairs, make my bed, pull on a decent pair of clothes, and brush my teeth. I don't even bother with my hair, it's hopeless.  Most of the time I'll be lucky to get a comb through it without harming myself.  My hair is a light amber color with natural honey blonde highlights, my Grammy always said it look's just like the color of fresh, sweet honey, "The natural kind," she always says, which is how I got my nickname from her, "My Sweet Little Jar Of Honey," It's really very embarrassing when she calls me that, but I love her too much to say anything.  The color of my hair might just be my best feature, too bad it's hardly noticable when my hair's always such a mess, curls are just impossible!

As soon as I've made myself suitable to leave the house I get straight to work with my chores. I'm lucky, I don't have too many of them.  I pretty much only have to take care of the barn.  You see, my Pa is always busy with work, and my Ma an' Teddy aint too fond of horses.  My Ma always told me "If you want to keep that animal, you sure as heck'd better take care of it yourself!"  So, that's what I do.  It's not too much work though, we've only got two, it's not like we're running a show barn 'round here. I've just got to take care of Gray and Daisy.  Daisy's my old mare, the sweetest one you'll ever lay eyes on. She's a palomino quarterhorse, which in human language means that she's kind of a light yellow, medium-sized horse with a white mane and tail.  Gray is my Daddy's horse, he's a chestnut thoroughbred gelding, which in human language, means he's a medium brown, high strung, tall, male, horse.  I know, you might be wondering why a brown horse is named Gray, but it's a long story involving a picket fence, a bucket of paint, and a bet made between two foolish men; and we don't have time to go into all of that.  So, anyways, basically all I've got to do in the morning is muck out(or clean out,) their stalls, toss a few bales of hay in there, and tidy up the barn.

After my morning routine I go to school, or if it's a weekend or vacation, like today, I have the rest of the day to myself. I'll usually meet a few of my friends in town. I just hop up into my pick up truck, and drive on down to the diner, which is where I always meet my two best friends, Meg and Jack, for a milkshake. Oh, that's another thing you should know about me, I drive a pick up truck.  It may not be the prettiest car you've ever seen, but I earned every penny for that old blue Ford myself, and I'm proud as heck of it.

Also, you should know a little 'bout my two best friends.  Meg is a fiery little red-head.  The first time you meet her, you'd probably think she was just the sweet little girl from next door, but you're dead wrong.  She's a little less satisfied with country life than I am.  She drives a Chevrolet! It's a bit run-down, but it sure still is nice. Meg is in love with fashion! Her favorite thing to do is to dress me up in different sparkly dresses of her with big tall heels that I can barely walk in, she swipes on some shimmery make-up and we take pictures.  She pastes all of our pictures into an old scrapbook that we love to pull out every time we're together and giggle at how silly, yet gorgeous we look. Jack is a little more down to earth, and laid back like me.  He loves to take me fishing at the lake just out of town.  We rarely catch anything, but we sit there on the dock with our toes in the water for hours talking 'bout everything under the moon!  Meg and Jack swear they know me better than I know myself, which I reckon is probably true, and I could say the same about them too!  The three of us are inseperable, the problem is that Jack's earned himself an internship in California, starting next year!  That means we've only got this summer to enjoy before he's gone for a whole three months!

So, we've decided to embark on a roadtrip.  We're going to travel all around the U.S. and see the whole country! Our roadtrip will end in California where we will drop Jack off at his new home and take an airplane back to our little hometown of Brookreed.  Our journey overall is going to take us a whole two weeks!   But, before we do that, there are a few other affairs that need to be taken care of here in town.  So, that will have to wait for a little while.


Hey everyone! Thank you SO much for reading this if you did!  I got five reads on my introduction and I don't know if that is good or bad, so I'm going to assume it's a good thing!  Sorry that this chapter is so boring, but I did mention in the introduction that you would have to wait through the first chapter or so for me to get the story set up.  But, I think I have, so I can finally start the fun stuff in chapter two! I'm actually really excited about this book, it'll just be a few chapters set in town before they start on the roadtrip which is where all the really juicy, dramatic stuff will be taking place so please continue reading, show your friends, vote, comment, like, (I'm still kind of figuring Wattpad out.)  So please, please, please comment! I just want one teensy comment.  Even if all you're going to say is "Hey, this story sucks! Get off of Wattpad!" Although, I would prefer a comment saying "I like your story so far! Please post more."  So, ya do that, tell your friends, don't lose hope in me, I promise there will be some drama in Chapter 2!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2012 ⏰

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