Chapter 1

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"So how did you two meet?" The blonde's caramel eyes focused on me and the man beside me, as she asked the question.

"Well, our fathers have been partners for many years. It was meant to be, I guess.." I gave the interviewer a friendly smile. None of this was meant to be.

Brian reached for my hand and kissed it in a delicate way. "I still fall for her everyday." The public awed in unison.

I've done this kind of interview so many times, I could do it in my sleep. Forcing a couple of smiles, fighting the urge to roll my eyes every time Brian's mouth opens or the urge of throwing up when he shows just a bit of affection to me, that's not even challenging anymore.


"I still fall for her everyday? Really?" I ironically raised an eyebrow. It's so cheesy, I wonder where he picked it up from.

"I do. Maybe if you gave me half the attention you give to your plans of escaping, you'd see it." His eyes were so honest and full of hope that maybe, just maybe I'd say something that'd make him happy. Don't get your hopes that high, pal.

"Maybe if you'd never threaten me with my sister, I might've considered giving you a chance." I raised my voice a little. I would never, under any circumstances, allow myself to fall for a man like that. He's lucky, I accepted living in the same house as him. At least I have my father with me, so I'm not completely alone with a psychopath.

"You know I love you. This is all, because I love you. You'll have to love me back, one way or another." With hurt in his eyes, he slammed the door shut, leaving me frustrated.

For a man who holds a girl captive, he's damn sensitive. At least with me. Plus, is he the only one hurting?

As if.

I grabbed the picture frame, I have on the commode of my bedroom, next to the bed. I looked at the photograph, almost in tears.

"I miss you, Kayla. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I let a tear escape my eyes, but I quickly wiped it away. This is not the time to get sensitive. She's okay, you've spoken to her yesterday. Everything's fine.

You just have to find a way to fix all this, to bring her back, so no one gets hurt.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a light knock on my door. "Come on in."

"I'm sorry Miss Rachel. Did you want anything to eat?" It was Monica, the maid. She was around her 20s, had straight blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She was actually really pretty and very young to be a maid.

"No, I'm good. Thanks." I gave her a smile.

Just when she was about to leave, she turned again facing me. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what she has to ask me now. "Oh, and Miss Rachel, this came." She handed me an envelope.

"Thank you, Monica." I took the envelope and waited for her to leave the room.

Opening it with suspicion, I saw a letter. After scanning it with my eyes, I realized it was an invitation, to a party. Tonight. Hosted by a wealthy businessman, I might add.

No doubt, Brian's going. He's a businessman, definitely trying his best to maintain connections with the business world. To him, everything's about money. And me.

I'd rather avoid another meaningless fight between him and any man who would come up to greet me. He's such a jealous psychopath, he would murder a waiter, for asking me if I wanted a drink.

Jealousy started all this. If I hadn't gone to that stupid date with Robert, everything would be just fine now. Kayla would be here and everyone would be safe and happy. I just had to ruin it all.

Keep it together, Rachel. At least you haven't married him, yet. Just the thought of it, made me want to puke.

Definitely a no to that invitation.

I laid down, closing my eyes, hoping this is all a nightmare. My hopes were flushed down the toilet, as my phone started ringing.


"What now?" I sighed, putting the phone next to my ear.

"Which time shall I pick you up, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"The party. Didn't you get the invitation?"

Why on earth would I go to a party, which he'd probably ruin?

"I don't want to go. I might be coming down with something." I fake coughed.

"Leave the acting for the cameras." He was probably smirking by that time, "You're going and you're going with me. Is 7 good for you, honey?"

"Perfect." I replied with gritted teeth, ending the phone call.

Well, this is going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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