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Love is Dead

“I hope you are proud of me Mom and Daddy. I’m trying my best to stay strong and get along”.  I don’t know how long I was thinking. I had a single tear drip out of my eye. I was thinking about my parents death replaying it over and over. I am Phoenix, daughter of King and Queen Medalious. As well I am Princess of Numos (noo-m-oh-s) and a Tri Beast. My planet? Tralaura (trah-loo-rah). I am a rare species. We Tri Beasts are on the verge of extinction.


~Phoenix's P.O.V~
I slowly wake up. I hear a soft pitter patter on the window so I look over. And to my surprise it is 'NOT RAINING!?' I nearly trip my way towards the window. To find pebbles being tossed at it by a boy I met at my new school. I recently moved here to Jasper Nevada from Toronto Canada. I've lived in many different states. The reason is I'm running. I can't tell you why but you'll find out. Anyways I decide to open my window. And a pebble comes to me. Thankfully I caught it. I look at it and it had purple on it.

~Boy's P.O.V~
I hope that I didn't wake her. She is still wearing her Pajamas but I don't really care she is still beautiful as crystal star. Her long red hair, Lovely skin tones, amazing smile... Speaking of smile, she looks mad at me. "Oh no"

~Phoenix's P.O.V~
I chuck the rock at him a couple seconds after he gave it to me. I didn't even bother to look to see what the purple was. Right after chucking it, he had a stunned look before it reached him and said "oh no"

How Should I Feel

~Boy's P.O.V~

"Mom! She doesn't even want to be friends! I don't even know her name for crying out loud! so what makes you think me and her are dating!" I am practically raged at my mom. She keeps thinking I'm in love!? "Jackson Ray Darby! You know better than to rai---" I cut her off with the front door slammed in front of her. 'School time' I was a little excited to go to school. At least I can get away from my over reactive mom.

~Phoenix's P.O.V~

I was on my way to school when I thought I seen Jack on a blue motorcycle!? I never knew he had one. Eh who cares. I got my own problems to worry about. One of those is looking for a good education.
And the other not being found... I can't say who is looking for me. But I can tell you this. He is a super phyco man. He thinks I am an alie- I can't say the rest. I have had ear buds in this whole time but what I didn't know was I was being watched by au- I've gotta stop that. You'll eventually find out more. Well I don't know how long I had been singing... That's embarrassing.

Creatures lie Here

~Phoenix's P.O.V~

It has been 2 weeks and 3 days since the "rocky" incident. I have 2 new friends in school. Miko Nakadai and Rafael Esquivel. We were just coming out of school when I see a huge green jeep. "Kind of reminds me of bulk-" I stopped my self when I see Miko jump in. And I looked to see raf wasn't by my side anymore. He was in a black and yellow camero!? What is wrong with me! I still ride my bicycle and every one has a car. But there is some kind of weird vibe I get from the cars.

+++time skip(I'm lazy)+++
~??? POV~
"But dad!" I wined to my stoubourn dad who is also the leader of the team... Hold up I didn't even introduce myself... I'm Olivia. Daughter of . Well Olivia is at least my human name. How rude of me I keep jumping ahead. I am a Techno Organic (aka TO). My parents are from a... Never mind "I said no and that's final." he always knows how to be firm but yet so calm and collected.

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