Promnight Chapter 12

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Am terribly sorry for the late update genes and folks :)
I've been working my ass out and at the Same time trying so hard to make you lovely people not to wait for so long . ❤️❤️❤️

This is a long chapter and going to be so complicated so I suggest you leave everything and focus straight on reading so as not to get confuse!

Warning! Warning! Warning!
   Sexual content ahead read at
your own risk.


I was on my 5th shot, sipping on the tequila, the drink hurts,streaming down my throat and settling on my heart. The heart that's filled up with anger, sorrow,and depression.
Hoping that the throbbing pain of the tequila will wash away all my pains and sorrows, wearing it away bit by bit until everything turns out to be as it was before.I want to drink my mind  off all the scenarios that has happen from the moment my dad walks out on us, to the time I set my eyes on "speed" up till now.

Elizabeth was in the bathroom fixing her makeup. I catch  a glimpse of her swaying her hips to the beat of a song played by the DJ. Couple of hours pass, but she's still not back.

Still on the train of drinking, am aware of where I am. The drink in my system wasn't enough to get me fully drunk. My mind a little foggy but I can still make coherent sentences and think clearly.

"Let go! Why do you cling to pain"?
I heard my innermost thoughts  talking to me. Their is noting you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge.why hold on to the one thing which keeps you from hope and love? I inhale deeply taking in all the smell of alcohol that fills the glooming  atmosphere and exhale loudly. 

As my mom always said. "letting go means to come to the realization that some people are just part of your history, but not a part of your destiny."

I have to learn how to let go of you Speed!
"BUT I CANT FUCKING GET YOU OUT OF MY SYSTEM"! I yelled the words in exasperation, as I hit the wooden table hard with my fist.

Squirming on the bar stool, fidgeting my fingers awkwardly. I heard the chuckling of the half naked bartender, she most had heard what I said, I look up to see her smirking and at the same time attending to other people. I smile back at her shyly, blushing a little.I drown the remaining cup in one drift. I've never had tequila or alcohol before, even through  the late night parties Eli or rose (my roommate at college) dragged me to.

"FIONA"A deep male voice calls out from behind startling me causing the stool to wobble    sending my whole body forward.  I shrink up my body in fright,just in time, two pairs of arms catches me before I hit the ground, and sat me down on the stool. Placing his two hands on my shoulder. "Watch it." Their was a slight trembling in his voice.

I look around to see if anybody noticed what just happen, but to my surprise nobody seems to know my existence.Now that his face is clear to my view, I instantly recognize his cute face. I pursed my mouth in a self-satisfied smirk.

"Hi" I wave my hand.


He replace his hands from my shoulder to my chin, looking deep into my eyes, getting drown into the ocean of thought.
"Who are you here with"?

"You don't look good"?

"If you don't like it here I'll get you home"?

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