Chapter Nineteen: Hurt

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Chapter 19: Hurt


"Stop yelling," Justin groaned as he followed me into the kitchen. He grabbed his head and sat down at a bar stool as I turned on my heels and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Gladly, once you fucking sort your issues out," I growled at him.

"What's gotten into you?" Justin slurred as he made a disgusted face at me.

"Me? Why don't you look in the damn mirror, huh? You've gone and lost your mind, and it's affecting everyone around you Justin," I boomed as I slid my jacket it off and hung it on one of the chairs.

"I haven't lost anything. I told you I'm just being myself," Justin defended.

"This isn't you," I contradicted as I shook my head and pointed my finger at him. "The real you is gone, forever," I added on in realization of that fact just now.

He was gone, and there was no changing him anymore. No matter how hard I tried, it wasn't going to work.

"I never wanted to be that guy. This is who I want to be. I want to be like this, why can't you just accept it?" Justin yelled as he slammed his hands onto the counter top.

"Because this isn't you, Justin!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I threw my hands in the air. "I know the real you, and this isn't you!" I screamed and he just laughed in response.

"No one knows the real me," Justin grumbled. "Especially not you," he added on.

"You're gonna start up with this spiel again? Are you fucking serious right now? Listen to yourself for a second. Listen to how ridiculous you sound right now," I exasperated as I slammed my fists down on the table before running my fingers through my hair.

"You know who really sounds ridiculous right now? You," Justin growled at me and I nodded my head.

"Oh yeah, I definitely do. Because I'm the one who just got drunk and fucked up my career. Justin, do you see what you're doing to yourself?" I screamed, not being able to comprehend any part of this situation. Justin jumped out of his seat and grabbed my arms suddenly.

"Don't talk to me like that. I know what I'm doing," Justin protested as he pushed me up against the wall with all his strength.

I was terrified, no matter how much I tried to tell myself that he wouldn't hurt me, because at the moment I wasn't so sure.

"Yeah? Then what are you doing right now?" I questioned as I looked up at him and hoped he would have a change of heart right then and there.

"I'm getting rid of my problems, sweetheart," Justin bellowed with a grin. His grip on my arms tightened as I struggled to break loose. He was too strong for me and I didn't know how to get out of the situation.

"Justin, you're hurting me. Stop it," I pleaded as tears formed in my eyes. "Stop it, Justin, please," I persisted as he continued to laugh.

"Shut up will you?" Justin spat as a new devil flickered in his eyes.

"Let me go," I persisted, trying to strengthen my voice. I pushed at Justin's shoulders, but he wouldn't budge. He towered over me, and I was too small to do anything back to him. "Justin, you're hurting me!" I yelled out.

"I don't care," he hissed as he pushed me up against the wall with even more force. Justin swung me to the side causing me to literally fling into the table. I hit one of the chairs with my side and I fell down on the floor.

"Justin, please stop it. Can't you see you're hurting me?" I cried out as I tried to cover myself up. I crawled under the table as a means of defense for the moment. It didn't work for long as Justin pulled me out from under and stood me up.

"You ruined my life," Justin boomed as he stared me right in the eyes.

"I ruined your life? Then why am I still here with you?" I questioned wiping at my tears. "Why didn't you leave me?"

"Because you're controlling me. How could I leave if I wasn't in control of my own life?" Justin grumbled as he pounded his fists on the table right next to me.

"That's not it, and you know it's not. You love me. You never left, because you love me and you're scared of losing me. That's your problem," I mumbled as I tried to find the courage to stick up for myself.

"Stop talking, right now," Justin hissed at me. "I'm not scared."

"You know I'm right. Justin, you are scared," I persisted as I attempted to get him to hear me out.

"If I'm so scared then why am I ready to hurt you right now?" Justin growled. I pressed my lips together as I shook my head and folded my hands together.

"You're confused. You're just confused, Justin," I informed. He laughed at me as if this was some kind of joke I was telling to amuse him.

"You're defending me, now? You're the ridiculous one here, do you not see that?" Justin questioned with anger filling every ounce of his voice.

"I'm a monster, can you comprehend that? I'm not confused, I'm a monster, that's what I am," Justin persisted. I shook my head in refusal.

"You aren't a monster, Justin," I protested. "You never were a monster, you're just losing it right now. You're losing your path, and it's gonna be hard for you to find your way back on," I assured.

"I'm a monster, and you know it well," Justin hissed as he pushed me aside and walked back to the couch. I shook my head in complete disbelief as I ran to the front door.

Tears poured out of my eyes as I ran down the sidewalk to the coffee shop on the curb. I ran up the steps and began banging on the front door. The shop was dark, and there was no one inside, but I didn't care. I kept pounding on the door, hoping some miracle would happen.

"Aniel, help me. I need your help," I sobbed as I buried my face in my hands. "Please, I can't do this anymore," I screamed out.

"Darling, what are you crying about in the cold?" A voice questioned. I looked up to see Aniel getting out of her car and approaching me. I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her as I buried my head in her shoulder.

"I can't do this. He's out of control. I can't deal with him, this was all a mistake," I cried as Aniel tried to comfort me by rubbing my back.

"Darling, we'll sort this out. Come on in, let's get you some of that hot cocoa alright?" Aniel spoke as she led me up the steps to her shop carefully. She unlocked the door and let me inside. She gestured for me to sit at the counter as she brewed a cup of hot chocolate.

"Now, sweetheart tell me what happened, but I want you stay calm about this. Yelling, and screaming won't do you any good alright?" Aniel spoke quietly as she attempted to calm me down as well. I nodded my head as I wiped at the tears that were still streaming out of my eyes.

"Aniel, he got drunk again. Last time, I controlled him, but this time he hurt me. I never thought he would, Aniel. He physically hurt me," I mumbled out as I tried not to let my sobs take over the story. "He hurt me," I repeated, still in shock.

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