Chapter Three

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait for the update. Trying to figure out what to write using the correct wording and having time to write has just become foreign to me lately. Being a full time student and a full time employee I had to set Audrey and Brian aside. But they are back! Hope you enjoy!


His lips tasted of cigarettes and beer. Audrey couldn't get enough of it. She never wanted him to leave but knew he would have to eventually. He had his own place, and granted she had her own room there so she could go over whenever she desired, and he had his little Maltese dog. She loved that little dog like family. Audrey and Brian were finally acting like they were a year ago when everyone, including press, thought they were a couple, The guys were even starting to wonder if they were hooking up. She had even thought they were, until Michelle came along. Stupid Michelle.

Brian played with her medium length, pink dyed hair, pushing it everywhere, messily. Her phone beeped in her pocket, breaking the silence. She took it out, still kissing Brian. She looked at it to see who she would be yelling at later. Unknown. She pulled back from the kiss. Brian looked at her with a pouting look. He couldn't keep his lips off of her. He started to kiss her neck as she answered the phone. "Hello?" No answer. Probably a prank call. She hung up and kissed Brian again. Her phone started beeping again. Unknown. She answered in the same tone. Finally, she heard a bark in the background. "Pinkly shush" was all she heard. The voice sounded familiar but distant. She couldn't put her finger on who it would be.

"Audrey..." Brian said, groaning, trying to pull her back to him. She put her index finger to his lips as he pulled her to his chest. The phone was still against her ear, waiting to see what happens. Brian took the phone away and accidentally put it on speaker. He leaned forward to give her a kiss. She kissed him softly and heard the bark again. It had to of been Michelle. Brian looked at the phone puzzled.

"Pinkly, shut up, you stupid dog." Brian's look turned to fury. She just called his precious little dog stupid. He has had her since she was born. He watched her grow up and trained her to perfection. "I'm trying to listen." She mumbled.

Brian whispered in Audrey's ear. She went to the kitchen to get both of them something to drink. "Heard enough of us Michelle?" Brian said, trying to control his voice. They both heard a soft gasp. Brian smirked.

"Why did you call me, Michelle?" Audrey mumbled waiting for a response.

"I-I-I..." She couldn't even form a sentence. She stumbled over her words.

"I told you, I love Audrey. What part of that do you not understand? I always have, it just took me this long to tell her." Brian said to her in a dead serious tone. Audrey smiled and kissed his cheek before traveling to the kitchen for drinks.

"B-b-but, I love..."

"Michelle save it." Brian switched the phone off speaker, Audrey grabbed a beer for Brian and a Smirnoff for her. He was the only one that drank the beer in the fridge and always had it stocked with his favorites. She opened both drinks with ease and took a sip of her Green Apple Smirnoff. She wasn't about to listen to the earful Brian was about to give Michelle. Brian was still yelling as Audrey came back into the living room and sat his drink on a coaster on the coffee table. She sat on the couch and started flipping through the channels trying to find something the slightest bit interesting. She had never seen Brian this annoyed in her life. Even all of the videos of him practicing, he was never this annoyed. If she would have handed him his beer instead, it would more than likely have been dropped on the floor busted for her to clean up later on.

She finally found a channel that at least had an interesting commercial. She tried to listen to the program over Brian having a screaming matching with Michelle. She already knew who would win the match. It was pointless to even think Michelle had a slight advantage. It was about Audrey. When Brian says something that serious about someone he doesn't stop arguing until the person he is arguing with finally gets it. "American guitarist, Synyster Gates found with another girl." The picture of them kissing was on the news. Her drink shook in her hand. "Synyster Gates was found at Shoreline Park yesterday afternoon, with another girl. The guitarist, who is seen kissing this American twenty year old met up and seemed to be talking about something. He had just gotten back from his worldwide tour with his band Avenged Sevenfold. I wonder how his fiancé feels about this girl." The reporter stated. Audrey gulped. Brian looked at her then to the TV.

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