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Sunday morning

It's been two days since I've talked to Shawn. I saw him in the studio once but he never came to see me. I don't know what I'm suppose to think about that... Was the last words he told me lies and he just wanted to make fun of me? On the other hand, he kissed me and I don't think he would do such a thing, at least not the boy that was crying in my arms a week ago. Maybe he found someone better, I could understand that. I'm not talented in music at all, I have no fame, I'm far from being the most beautiful girl he knows and I must be so boring to him. My phone buzzes at this last thought.

From Vic:
Hey I'm bored and I need new pics of me! Can I come over??
To Vic:
Ughhh Idk tbh I don't feel like a photoshoot today.
From Vic:
Oh come on Ana! Prettyyy please🙏🏼
To Vic:
From Vic:
YOU ARE THE BEST!!! See ya in 10!

She's crazy. Literally crazy. It's 10am and she's ready for a photoshoot! I gotta admit that I'm pretty good in photography so I understand her desire for me to take pictures of her but that early in the morning???

I get dressed with some black jeans that have holes on the knees and a white sweater. It's still pretty cold outside considering that it's almost April. I curl the end of my hair and try to put on some mascara without poking my eye.

"ANAAAAA IM HERE" I hear Victoria scream.
It must've been a good hour that I'm outside freezing and taking pictures of Vic. I told her a hundred time that every last picture I took was THE one but it's never good enough for her. We're now standing infront of my house beside a rosebush where she strikes a new pose every ten seconds. I hear the sound of a car unlocking and my attention is directed on the studio. Shawn comes out by the front door and I instantly run up to him and call his name but be ignores me.
"HEY!" I grap his right arm to try to stop him.
"Please leave me alone Aryana." He tells me but keeps his eyes on the ground.
"No Shawn. I'm sorry but I won't. Please talk to me, look at me, tell me what I've done wrong. I deserve an explanation don't you think?" I'm close to crying but I don't want to be the weak one here, not now.
"You don't deserve someone who goes and comes back Ana. You deserve better than I can give you." He's still not looking at me.
"Don't you dare tell me what I deserve. You can't even look at me!" I'm getting very annoyed by the situation and I'm trying not to scream.
"I'm gonna hurt you Aryana." Shawn almost whispers. I grab his face delicately and make him look into my eyes.
"Don't you think I can take pain? After all I've been through. Bring it on. But if you don't love me, just tell me. Don't use excuses and put the blame on m-" I'm stopped by his mouth on mine. It's not a soft kiss. Oh it's far from that. No matter how many people told me to get over him, to forget him because he doesn't love me anymore, that kiss proves them wrong. I can feel our love crashing on each of us, combining our souls and fixing the broken parts. It feels amazing, it's like I'm getting back the other half of me that was missing for so long. We stop kissing both out of breath but Shawn doesn't let go of my hands. I stare into his eyes and smile but he doesn't, something's on his mind and I can see it.
"I gotta go." He says and gets in his jeep. I decide to let him go, he needs time and I probably do too, I just don't want any.
"You have to stop doing this." I turn around and see Vic looking at me with her arms crossed.
"What?" I can feel my cheeks reddening as I realize what just happened.
"Leave me hanging when you see him. It's the second time Ana, come on!"
"I'm truly sorry Vic, I just don't want to lose him again." I feel guilty and I know it's not fair to her and I have to do something to make her forgive me.
"And I understand that but you have to take care of yourself Ana. I love you, thanks for today." She hugs me and I watch her walk to her house.
I wake up to a clicking sound. I rub my eyes and look at the time, it's 1:47am. My mom and my sisters are still in Chicago visiting my grandparents so it can't be them. What the hell is going on? The sound gets louder and I realize that it's coming from my window. I grap my nail polish bottle (that's all I had near
okay) and slowly walk to the window.
"Hey." I jump at the voice behind me.

Okayyy this chapter is weird I admit it but I promise it'll get better. Thank you. -A x

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