Chapter 1

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           A kitty was born on a cold spring's night, it was raining the sound was almost like hail splat, splat . The loud noise hurt her ears, she couldn't see, her eyes were closed. she was scared shivering until she felt a gentle lick, it felt wet and rough, but warm and relaxing. Lick lick until she fell asleep. This went on for a few days eat, sleep, eat, sleep until one day her eyes opened.

             At first it was a blur then it was... Beautiful! The world around her was like nothing she'd ever expected! Then she saw her mother, she was wonderful. Her mother had beautiful gold eyes that looked down at her with grace. The kitty's mother was a pleasing shade of gray and white.

              Then there were these big creatures that had a rather flat face and no fur! They were standing on two legs, and their paws were very weird looking. They scared the kitty but that thought changed after they started to fed her. After she investigated the creatures she noticed that she had siblings. A sister and a brother. Which she soon found out their names, Angle, and bubbles. Her name is Emerald, she didn't know why until she found a shiny thing. It reflected her the first thing she noticed were her eyes they were unlike her sibling's or her mother's eyes, her eyes were green. Emerald also noticed that she was white with dark orange spots that looked like desert mud.

            Life was great! Emerald had lots of fun playing with toys, eating amazing food,and playing with Angle, and bubbles. Sometimes she would like to go outside and see the amazing wild life though, but those are just dreams not even mother has been out of this place.

             Life was good it was happy until one day mother got cancer. The creatures took her away, she never came back. That night was the day half of Emerald's happiness was ripped away. she didn't eat or play. That's when the creatures thought she wasn't going to make it. They tried to feed her, Emerald ignored. They tried to play with her, she ignored.

            After a while of that the creatures brought Emerald to a place that scared her. It was the first time she ever left her home. Emerald was sad, scared and couldn't do anything about it. The creatures brought her to another creature that was wearing white. It had gentle hands, but the place just was straight off not where Emerald should be. After that the creature put her in a cage she stayed there for a very long time her creatures never came back. she missed them, she missed her family.

            Emerald didn't know how long it has been but the white creature came back and threw her outside in a dump. That's where Emerald stayed. Waiting for her creatures in the smelly, scary dump. When the sun started to set that's when she knew they weren't coming back.

            Emerald knew she needed to find somewhere to sleep before it got dark, she knew there were animals out there that would kill her. She looked and looked until she settled in a hole under a bucket. Emerald knew she needed to sleep so she had enough energy to fight her way through the morning. After a long time of twists and tosses she finally fell asleep. 

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